The focus stage stepper motor controller class. More...
#include <FocusMotorCtrl.h>
Public Member Functions | |
FocusMotorCtrl (std::string name, const std::string &conffile) throw (AOException) | |
Standard constructor with a config file. | |
FocusMotorCtrl (int argc, char **argv) throw (AOException) | |
Standard constructor with a command line. | |
void | initapp () |
Initialization common to both constructors. More... | |
double | get_cur_pos () |
Get the current position in microns. | |
int | set_cur_pos (double) |
Set the current position. This does not move the motor. More... | |
int | set_home () |
Set the current position as the home position. More... | |
int | get_power_state () |
Get the power state of the controller. | |
int | set_enable (bool en) |
Set the enable state of the controller. More... | |
int | enable () |
Call set_enable(true);. | |
int | disable () |
Call set_enable(false);. | |
int | set_direction (bool dir) |
Set the direction of the controller. More... | |
int | set_forward () |
Call set_direction(true);. | |
int | set_backward () |
Call set_direction(false);. | |
int | step (int nsteps) |
The routine to control motion of the stepper motor. More... | |
int | step () |
Move by 1 step in current direction. More... | |
int | step_forward (int nsteps) |
Move the motor forward by nsteps. More... | |
int | step_forward () |
Move by 1 step in forward direction. More... | |
int | step_backward (int nsteps) |
Move the motor backward by nsteps. More... | |
int | step_backward () |
Move by 1 step in backward direction. More... | |
int | offset_pos (double dpos) |
Offset current position (in microns). More... | |
int | goto_pos (double pos) |
Move to an absolute position (in microns). More... | |
int | start_pending_move () |
Calls either offset_pos(next_pos) or goto_pos(next_pos) when the main loop detects a pending move. More... | |
int | get_preset (double &fcal, std::vector< double > &preset, std::string &presetf) |
Reads the preset file for the current setup as determined from the shared memory status boards. More... | |
int | check_preset () |
Check if the focus stage is currently at the preset (focused) position (within 2 microns) | |
int | goto_preset () |
Move the focus stage to the preset position for the current VisAO setup. More... | |
virtual int | Run () |
The main loop. More... | |
virtual std::string | remote_command (std::string com) |
Overridden from VisAOApp_base::remote_command, here just calls common_command. | |
virtual std::string | local_command (std::string com) |
Overridden from VisAOApp_base::local_command, here just calls common_command. | |
virtual std::string | script_command (std::string com) |
Overridden from VisAOApp_base::script_command, here just calls common_command. | |
std::string | common_command (std::string com, int cmode) |
The common command processor for commands received by fifo. More... | |
std::string | get_state_str () |
Get the state string. More... | |
virtual int | update_statusboard () |
Update the status board. More... | |
virtual void | dataLogger (timeval tv) |
Write focus positions to the data log. | |
![]() | |
VisAOApp_standalone () throw (AOException) | |
Default constructor. | |
VisAOApp_standalone (string name, int id, int logLevel=Logger::LOG_LEV_INFO) throw (AOException) | |
Complicated constructor. | |
void | set_conffile (std::string name) throw (AOException) |
VisAOApp_standalone (std::string name, const std::string &conffile) throw (AOException) | |
Config file constructor. | |
void | set_conffile (std::string name, const std::string &conffile) throw (AOException) |
For use if default constructed. | |
VisAOApp_standalone (int argc, char **argv) throw (AOException) | |
Command line constructor. | |
void | usage () |
virtual std::string | get_app_name () |
Get the application name. | |
void | log_msg (int LogLevel, std::string lmsg) |
Report an error. Also calls log_msg. Overloaded from VisAOApp_base. More... | |
virtual int | Exec () |
Installs the term and XXXX signal handlers, and calls Run(). More... | |
void | signal_catcher () |
Signal loop, normally won't need to be overridden. More... | |
virtual int | start_signal_catcher (bool inherit_sched=true) |
Starts the signal catching loop. More... | |
virtual int | install_sig_mainthread_catcher () |
Install the SIG_MAINTHREAD signal catcher. | |
virtual int | block_signal (int signum) |
Sets the signal mask to block signal signum. | |
virtual int | block_sigio () |
Sets the signal mask to block SIGIO and RTSIGIO. | |
virtual int | kill_me () |
Handle a timetodie condition upon exiting the signal catcher thread (e.g. tell main thread it is about to die) More... | |
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VisAOApp_base () | |
Default constructor. | |
virtual | ~VisAOApp_base () |
Virtual destructor. | |
int | set_euid_called () |
Changes the user id of the process to euid_called. | |
int | set_euid_real () |
Changes the user id fo the process to the real user id. | |
int | set_RT_priority (int prio) |
Set the real-time priority of the current process. More... | |
int | get_RT_priority () |
Get the real-time priority of the current process. | |
int | set_app_name (std::string an) |
Set the application name. | |
virtual int | setup_baseApp (bool usethreads=false) |
Install fifo channels. More... | |
virtual int | setup_baseApp (bool remfifo, bool locfifo, bool scrfifo, bool autfifo, bool usethreads=false) |
Create fifo names, then installs the fifo channels. More... | |
int | setup_fifo_list (int nfifos) |
Allocate the fifo_list. More... | |
int | connect_fifo_list () |
Connect the fifo_list with exclusive locking. More... | |
int | connect_fifo_list_nolock () |
Connect the fifo_list without exclusive locking. More... | |
int | setup_sigio () |
Setup the SIGIO signal handling. More... | |
int | setup_RTsigio () |
Setup SIGIO signal handling using realtime signals. More... | |
int | check_fifo_list_RTpending () |
Check for pending reads for the fifo list while using the RT signals. | |
int | write_fifo_channel (int ch, const char *com, int comlen, std::string *resp) |
Write data to a fifo_channel, and get a response if desired. More... | |
int | write_fifo_channel (int ch, const char *com, int comlen, std::string *resp, char *sm) |
Write data to a fifo_channel, with a sequence message attached, and get a response if desired. More... | |
int | get_fifo_channel_response (std::string *resp, int ch) |
Check, and wait if neccessary, for data on a fifo channel. More... | |
int | set_wait_to (double to) |
Set the wait timeout for fifo channel responses. More... | |
double | get_wait_to () |
Get the wait timeout for fifo channel responses. More... | |
virtual int | request_control (int cmode) |
Calls request_control(cmode, 0). | |
virtual int | request_control (int cmode, bool override) |
Attempts to change the control type. More... | |
virtual std::string | __remote_command (std::string com, char *seqmsg) |
Processing for remote commands. More... | |
virtual std::string | remote_command (std::string com, char *seqmsg) |
virtual std::string | __local_command (std::string com, char *seqmsg) |
Processing for local commands. More... | |
virtual std::string | local_command (std::string com, char *seqmsg) |
virtual std::string | __script_command (std::string com, char *seqmsg) |
Processing for script commands - not normally overriden. More... | |
virtual std::string | script_command (std::string com, char *seqmsg) |
virtual std::string | auto_command (std::string com, char *seqmsg) |
Processing for auto commands - to be overriden. More... | |
virtual std::string | post_auto_command (std::string com, char *seqmsg=0) |
Processing for auto commands - not normally overriden. More... | |
std::string | control_mode_string () |
Convenience function to return the control type string, e.g. "REMOTE". | |
std::string | control_mode_response () |
Convenience function to return the control type response string, e.g. "A\n". | |
virtual void | error_report (int LogLevel, std::string emsg) |
Report an error. Also calls log_msg. More... | |
VisAO::profiler * | get_profile () |
int | get_use_profiler () |
int | start_profiler () |
void * | get_statusboard_shmemptr () |
Get the status board shared memory pointer. More... | |
int | set_statusboard_shmemkey (key_t mkey) |
Set the status board shared memory key. Does nothing else. More... | |
key_t | get_statusboard_shmemkey () |
Get the status board shared memory key. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
int | check_limits () |
Gets the limit switch status from dioserver, and performs homing logic checks. | |
int | save_init () |
Save the initialization data to disk. | |
int | delete_init () |
Delete the initialization file. | |
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int | create_statusboard (size_t sz) |
Creates and attaches to the statusboard shared memory. More... | |
std::string | getDataFileName () |
int | checkDataFileOpen () |
Protected Attributes | |
std::string | diofifo_path |
The path of the dioserver fifos. | |
int | dioch_enable |
The dioserver software channel connected to the enable pin. | |
int | dioch_dir |
The dioserver software channel connected to the direction pin. | |
int | dioch_step |
The dioserver software channel connected to the step pin. | |
int | dioch_pwr |
The dioserver software channel connected to +5V terminal. | |
int | dioch_limpos |
The dioserver software channel connected to the positive limit switch output. | |
int | dioch_limhome |
The dioserver software channel connected to the middle limit switch output. | |
int | dioch_limneg |
The dioserver software channel connected to the negative limit switch output. | |
pthread_mutex_t | dio_mutex |
int | power_state |
int | cur_enabled |
Power state of the controller. More... | |
int | DO_ENABLE |
Flag for main loop. +1 calls enable, -1 calls disable. | |
int | cur_dir |
Tracks the current setting of the direction pin TTL level. | |
double | min_step_time |
Minimum time between steps, in seconds. Can't be < 1e-6. | |
double | step_ratio |
Microns per step. For E35H4N-12-900 with BSD-02H in 1/8 step resolution this is 0.375. | |
int | hw_dir |
Sets the polarity of the direction pin relative to the software direction, that is so forward is forward as wired. | |
double | cur_pos |
The position, relative to home, in microns. | |
int | pending_move |
If non zero, a move is pending. Can be MOVE_OFFSET or MOVE_ABS. | |
double | next_pos |
Position of next move. Interpreted as either an offset or absolute position depending on pending_move. | |
bool | is_moving |
True if currently processing a position change. | |
bool | stop_moving |
If true, the currently processing position change is terminated. | |
timeval | last_step_time |
Time of the last step. | |
bool | neg_limit |
True if negative limit switch is active. | |
bool | pos_limit |
True if positive limit switch is active. | |
bool | home_switch |
True if home limit switch is active. | |
bool | pos_limit_disabled |
True if back limit is disabled for dismounting. | |
int | sw_limits_only |
double | sw_neg_limit |
double | sw_pos_limit |
double | home_pos |
The position to set at the after homing to the home switch. | |
int | homing |
VisAO::filterwheel_status_board * | fw2sb |
VisAO::filterwheel_status_board * | fw3sb |
VisAO::wollaston_status_board * | wsb |
VisAO::aosystem_status_board * | aosb |
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std::string | init_file |
Config_File * | init_vars |
pthread_t | main_thread |
Identifier for the main thread. | |
pthread_t | signal_thread |
Identifier for the separate signal handling thread. | |
pthread_mutex_t | signal_mutex |
Mutex for the condition signaling. | |
pthread_cond_t | signal_cond |
Condition for telling main thread that something changed. | |
double | signalth_sleeptime |
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std::string | app_name |
The name of the application. | |
double | pause_time |
Time to pause during application main loop. | |
fifo_list | fl |
The list of named-pipe fifos used for inter-process comms. | |
std::string | com_path |
The control fifo path base name. | |
std::string | com_path_remote |
The path for the remote control fifos. | |
std::string | com_path_local |
The path for the local control fifos. | |
std::string | com_path_script |
The path for the script control fifos. | |
std::string | com_path_auto |
The path for the auto control fifos. | |
double | wait_to |
The timeout for waiting on responses from FIFOs in seconds. | |
std::ostringstream | logss |
Conveninence string stream for building log messages. | |
VisAO::profiler * | profile |
std::string | profile_path |
int | use_profiler |
void * | statusboard_shmemptr |
The pointer to the shared memory block for the statusboard. | |
key_t | statusboard_shmemkey |
The key used to lookup the shared memory. | |
int | statusboard_shmemid |
The ID of the shared memory block. | |
std::ofstream | dataof |
bool | dataFileOpen |
double | dataFileOpenTime |
double | data_log_time_length |
std::string | data_save_path |
std::string | data_file_prefix |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
The control modes. | |
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static const std::string & | ConfigFile () |
static const std::string & | MyName () |
static const std::string & | MyFullName () |
static int | ID () |
static Config_File & | ConfigDictionary () |
static int | Verbosity () |
static string | getConffile (string identity) |
Return configuration file path based on identity. | |
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pthread_mutex_t | my_mutex |
Mutex used by the threaded versions of the standard command handlers. | |
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static void | SetMyName (const std::string &name) |
static void | SetConfigFile (const std::string &conffile) throw (Config_File_Exception) |
static void | SetID (int id) |
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static Logger * | _logger = NULL |
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static int | control_mode = VisAOApp_base::CMODE_NONE |
The current control mode. More... | |
static int | default_control_mode = -1 |
The default control mode. More... | |
Manges the digital inputs to the BSD-02 stepper motor controller. Tracks position relative to the home position in microns, as an integer number of steps of size step_ratio. Is a standalone VisAOApp, and has remote, local and script fifos. No auto control is provided. The config file parameters are:
Definition at line 77 of file FocusMotorCtrl.h.
void VisAO::FocusMotorCtrl::initapp | ( | ) |
Reads the app specific config detals, and sets up the fifo_list and connects it. Upon exit, SIGIO is blocked.
Definition at line 35 of file FocusMotorCtrl.cpp.
References attach_shm(), VisAO::VisAOApp_base::create_statusboard(), cur_pos, dioch_dir, dioch_enable, dioch_limhome, dioch_limneg, dioch_limpos, dioch_pwr, dioch_step, diofifo_path, FIFOCH_DIR, FIFOCH_ENABLE, FIFOCH_HOMESW, FIFOCH_NEGL, FIFOCH_POSL, FIFOCH_PWR, FIFOCH_STEP, VisAO::VisAOApp_base::fl, get_dio_fnames(), home_pos, hw_dir, is_moving, last_step_time, MAX_FNAME_SZ, min_step_time, next_pos, VisAO::VisAOApp_base::pause_time, pending_move, pos_limit_disabled, set_fifo_list_channel(), VisAO::VisAOApp_base::setup_baseApp(), VisAO::VisAOApp_base::setup_fifo_list(), VisAO::VisAOApp_base::statusboard_shmemkey, VisAO::VisAOApp_base::statusboard_shmemptr, step_ratio, and stop_moving.
int VisAO::FocusMotorCtrl::set_cur_pos | ( | double | cp | ) |
cp | the new value of the current position. |
0 | on succes (always) |
Definition at line 476 of file FocusMotorCtrl.cpp.
References cur_pos.
Referenced by step().
int VisAO::FocusMotorCtrl::set_home | ( | ) |
Equivalent to set_cur_pos(0).
Definition at line 507 of file FocusMotorCtrl.cpp.
References cur_pos.
int VisAO::FocusMotorCtrl::set_enable | ( | bool | en | ) |
The software state is true=enabled, false=disabled. The hardware state is low=enabled, high=disabled. To enable call with en=true.
en | the desired enable state. |
0 | on success |
-1 | on failure |
Definition at line 514 of file FocusMotorCtrl.cpp.
References cur_enabled, FIFOCH_ENABLE, VisAO::VisAOApp_standalone::log_msg(), VisAO::VisAOApp_base::logss, and VisAO::VisAOApp_base::write_fifo_channel().
int VisAO::FocusMotorCtrl::set_direction | ( | bool | dir | ) |
The software direction determines whether cur_pos increases or decreases. This also changes the hardware direction by setting the direction pin, but the actual direction of motion is set by the wiring and hw_dir.
dir | 1 for forward, 0 for backward |
0 | on success |
-1 | on failure |
Definition at line 554 of file FocusMotorCtrl.cpp.
References cur_dir, FIFOCH_DIR, hw_dir, VisAO::VisAOApp_standalone::log_msg(), VisAO::VisAOApp_base::logss, and VisAO::VisAOApp_base::write_fifo_channel().
Referenced by check_limits(), Run(), set_backward(), and set_forward().
The BSD-02 steps on a low-high transition. There is a minimum dwell time for each of 1 microsecond. This loop also waits at least min_step_time between steps, as part of the low dwell time. Enables the controller prior to first step, and updates cur_pos at each step. Stops moving and exits normally if stop_moving becomes true. On exit, is_moving, pending_move, and stop_moving are all false and the controller is disabled.
nsteps | is the number of steps to take. |
0 | on success |
-1 | on failure. |
Definition at line 619 of file FocusMotorCtrl.cpp.
References check_limits(), cur_dir, cur_pos, dataLogger(), delete_init(), disable(), enable(), FIFOCH_STEP, get_power_state(), is_moving, last_step_time, VisAO::VisAOApp_standalone::log_msg(), VisAO::VisAOApp_base::logss, min_step_time, pending_move, save_init(), set_cur_pos(), step_ratio, stop_moving, TimeToDie, update_statusboard(), and VisAO::VisAOApp_base::write_fifo_channel().
int VisAO::FocusMotorCtrl::step | ( | ) |
Calls step(1)
0 | on success |
-1 | on failure. |
Definition at line 786 of file FocusMotorCtrl.cpp.
Referenced by start_pending_move(), step_backward(), and step_forward().
First sets the direction, then calls step(nsteps).
nsteps | is the number of steps to take. |
0 | on success |
-1 | on failure. |
Definition at line 791 of file FocusMotorCtrl.cpp.
References set_forward(), step(), and stop_moving.
int VisAO::FocusMotorCtrl::step_forward | ( | ) |
Calls step(1)
0 | on success |
-1 | on failure. |
Definition at line 798 of file FocusMotorCtrl.cpp.
Referenced by offset_pos().
First sets the direction, then calls step(nsteps).
nsteps | is the number of steps to take. |
0 | on success |
-1 | on failure. |
Definition at line 803 of file FocusMotorCtrl.cpp.
References set_backward(), step(), and stop_moving.
int VisAO::FocusMotorCtrl::step_backward | ( | ) |
Calls step(1)
0 | on success |
-1 | on failure. |
Definition at line 810 of file FocusMotorCtrl.cpp.
Referenced by offset_pos().
int VisAO::FocusMotorCtrl::offset_pos | ( | double | dpos | ) |
Calculates the number of steps to move, and direction, then calls either step_forward(nsteps) or step_backward(nsteps) as appropriate.
dpos | the size of the offset desired, in microns |
0 | on success. |
-1 | on failure. |
Definition at line 815 of file FocusMotorCtrl.cpp.
References cur_pos, is_moving, MOVE_NONE, next_pos, pending_move, step_backward(), step_forward(), and step_ratio.
Referenced by goto_pos(), and start_pending_move().
int VisAO::FocusMotorCtrl::goto_pos | ( | double | pos | ) |
Calculates the number of steps to move, and direction, then calls either step_forward(nsteps) or step_backward(nsteps) as appropriate.
pos | the position to move to, in microns |
0 | on success. |
-1 | on failure. |
Definition at line 832 of file FocusMotorCtrl.cpp.
References cur_pos, and offset_pos().
Referenced by start_pending_move().
int VisAO::FocusMotorCtrl::start_pending_move | ( | ) |
The main loop pause() is interrupted by a SIGIO signal, and once control returns it checks pending_move, and if ture calls this routine. The move will continue until complete or stopped.
0 | on success |
-1 | on failure. |
Definition at line 838 of file FocusMotorCtrl.cpp.
References cur_pos, goto_pos(), home_pos, MOVE_ABS, MOVE_OFFSET, next_pos, offset_pos(), pending_move, set_backward(), set_forward(), step(), and stop_moving.
Referenced by Run().
int VisAO::FocusMotorCtrl::get_preset | ( | double & | fcal, |
std::vector< double > & | preset, | ||
std::string & | presetf | ||
) |
If a preset file exists for current conditions it is read and the arguments are populated.
Definition at line 868 of file FocusMotorCtrl.cpp.
References attach_shm(), VisAO::VisAOApp_standalone::log_msg(), and VisAO::VisAOApp_base::logss.
Referenced by check_preset(), and goto_preset().
int VisAO::FocusMotorCtrl::goto_preset | ( | ) |
Gets the current preset from get_preset. If a preset exists, the stage is moved.
Definition at line 926 of file FocusMotorCtrl.cpp.
References get_preset(), VisAO::VisAOApp_base::logss, MOVE_ABS, next_pos, and pending_move.
Referenced by common_command().
virtual |
Sets the signal handling for SIGIO then starts pause()-ing.
Reimplemented from VisAO::VisAOApp_standalone.
Definition at line 957 of file FocusMotorCtrl.cpp.
References VisAO::VisAOApp_standalone::block_sigio(), check_limits(), disable(), DO_ENABLE, enable(), FIFOCH_STEP, get_curr_time(), get_power_state(), VisAO::VisAOApp_standalone::install_sig_mainthread_catcher(), VisAO::VisAOApp_standalone::log_msg(), VisAO::VisAOApp_base::logss, VisAO::VisAOApp_base::pause_time, pending_move, set_direction(), VisAO::VisAOApp_standalone::signal_cond, VisAO::VisAOApp_standalone::signal_mutex, VisAO::VisAOApp_standalone::signal_thread, start_pending_move(), VisAO::VisAOApp_standalone::start_signal_catcher(), TimeToDie, and VisAO::VisAOApp_base::write_fifo_channel().
std::string VisAO::FocusMotorCtrl::common_command | ( | std::string | com, |
int | cmode | ||
) |
The return value depends on the command received. Recognized commands are:
Definition at line 1060 of file FocusMotorCtrl.cpp.
References VisAO::VisAOApp_base::control_mode, VisAO::VisAOApp_base::control_mode_response(), cur_enabled, DO_ENABLE, get_cur_pos(), get_state_str(), goto_preset(), is_moving, VisAO::VisAOApp_standalone::main_thread, MOVE_ABS, MOVE_OFFSET, next_pos, pending_move, pos_limit_disabled, and stop_moving.
Referenced by local_command(), remote_command(), and script_command().
std::string VisAO::FocusMotorCtrl::get_state_str | ( | ) |
The state string encodes the current state of the controller as: C PPPPPPP.PPPP M RRRRRRR.RRRR Where C is the current control_mode, PPPPPPP.PPPP is the current position M is 1 if moving, 0 if not, and RRRRRRR.RRRR is the remaining distance to travel.
Definition at line 1223 of file FocusMotorCtrl.cpp.
References VisAO::VisAOApp_base::control_mode_response(), cur_enabled, cur_pos, home_switch, is_moving, neg_limit, next_pos, pos_limit, and pos_limit_disabled.
Referenced by common_command().
virtual |
Overridden versions should call this as VisAOApp_bas::update_statusboard so the basics are taken care of.
0 | on success |
-1 | on failure |
Reimplemented from VisAO::VisAOApp_base.
Definition at line 1234 of file FocusMotorCtrl.cpp.
References check_preset(), cur_dir, cur_enabled, cur_pos, is_moving, VisAO::VisAOApp_base::statusboard_shmemptr, and VisAO::VisAOApp_base::update_statusboard().
Referenced by step().
protected |
Tracks the current setting of the enable pin TTL level
Definition at line 110 of file FocusMotorCtrl.h.
Referenced by common_command(), get_state_str(), set_enable(), and update_statusboard().