
NAS Fitcheck Day 9: Like A Record Baby, Right ‘Round

This morning started with yet more plumbing adventures. We filled the ASM cooling system with glycol, which meant pumping the stuff we mixed yesterday into the system. Here’s a tour of the filling operation by Alan.

We spilled a little.
The Captains of MagAO plumbing celebrate a full tank.
We tested the solenoid valve, making sure it does its thing if pressures are out of balance and stops the leak.

Drilling of the hole was completed.

Nelson finishes the cable hole.

And the CCD cooling system was mounted below the platform.

Jason Lewis, the proud father of the MagAO CCD cooling system.

The main event today was bolting the NAS to the Clay telescope for the first time. It fit, the holes lined up, the bolts went in, and it rotates.

Here is the NAS after being lifted into the dome for the first time:

The NAS entered the dome for the first time today.

And here it is ready to roll onto the platform:

All the way up, we're about to push the NAS into position to be mounted.

We then craned it into position and mated it to the telescope:

Carefully aligning the pins and bolts.

And here’s the moment of truth:

It was then bolted on:

Alan and Tyson checking the bolts.

The next exciting thing was to rotate it. This video captures the first time we have turned it upside down:

And here it is upside down:

The NAS upside down for the first time.

There was some fun had listening to lost screws rattle around inside our electronics boxes. Everybody with a box had at least one, but Alan happily accepted the prize for the most screws recovered.

Alan Uomoto takes a little ribbing for the number of screws that rattled out of the guider box.

Here’s mine, after I fished the thing out:

VisAO had one too, a 4-40 screw I dropped while replacing an ethernet pass-through. It took going upside down both ways before it came out of its hiding place.

We finished just in time for dinner, and they started opening the dome as we were leaving.

The PI looks happy.
The NAS, Clay, and the Moon.
The NAS Fitcheck team after a well earned dinner.

Today’s Quotes:

“I’m starting to get a little bit wheeny about the whole thing.” (Laird Close)

“Oh jeez, it’s upside down.” (Laird Close)

Still no more than a distant glimpse of the large mammals, but we started to get lucky with birds today. Laird got close to this raptor (we’re not sure what species):

Any guesses as to what this is?

And Jason got a good look at a turkey vulture, which were soaring all around the peak today.

A Turkey Vulture over LCO. Click for resolution.
The vultures were everywhere today. Click for full wingspan.

The Viscacha was seen several times inside the ASB last night. Tyson put in a solid effort to get a movie of it, including some cookie bait, but his camera had shut off when the moment happened. We are all in agreement that the “Cleanroom Viscacha” is actually at least two individuals. There’s a cute one, which watched us pack up the NAS, and there’s the grumpy faced one that we first saw. Here’s grumpy (by Jason):

The grumpy Viscacha.

Finally, while we waited for the time to be right for mounting the NAS, I took a tour of the Clay Telescope:

Days without a motherboard failure: 8

NAS Fitcheck Day 8: CSI Las Campanas

A crime has been committed – and another may be in progress as I type. But we’ll get to that.

Today was less exciting than yesterday, but progress was made. MIKE, the instrument occupying the port we want to bolt to, was removed first thing this morning. After it was gone, we started getting the platform ready for our monster. It’s pretty motivating to be working on the actual telescope at long last.

Laird inspects the soon to be home of MagAO. We're about to find out if the drawings were right and if we thought of everything that needed to be thought of. I've observed that this makes the grown-ups worry a little.
The CCD cooling pump, our cable, and assorted team members enter the dome on the elevator.

Here's Emilio, just strolling along the edge of the primary. Emilio has been helping us get wired for diffraction limited data flow.

We also had a look at how our cable will work. It has to drape off the platform gracefully, and not snag as the telescope moves.

Testing how our cable drapes. Can't have it snag.
It will be hanging through a hole in the platform, not off the edge, but this shows us what the bend radius is.
The boys started cutting. This is where the cable will go.

Jason was leading the charge to get the ASM cooling system filled with Glycol.

Jason and Juan mixing glycol and water (a.k.a. making antifreeze) for the ASM cooling system.

Though it doesn’t make for good action shots, Glenn and Jared had a very successful round of software testing this afternoon. We’re ready to try our kung-fu out on the actual telescope. Keep your fingers crossed.

Tyson explaining his plan. With enthusiasm.
It's been a long run.

Now, we have some intrigue on this sleepy little mountain top. Tyson was the first person up to the ASB this morning, and much to his surprise the bananas in the kitchen were scattered about. He investigated, and found some damning evidence.

The scene of the crime.
How Tyson must have looked this morning upon realizing what had happened.
Exhibit A. Have you seen any gray-furred animals around the ASB and cleanroom lately?

If you don’t know the most likely culprit for this heinous crime, you haven’t been reading this blog. Tyson even caught a glimpse of the little guy trying to repeat his daring exploit tonight. My hypothesis is that our buddy watched us move out yesterday and decided nobody was coming back.

Here’s a shot of the Magellan telescopes from the lodge deck.

The Clay and Baade telescopes at sunset. That's the Babcock lodge in the foreground.

Days without a motherboard failure: 7

More NAS Movies

I couldn’t stay awake long enough last night for all of our videos to upload to youtube. Unless your name is Posterity you may not want to watch every second of these, but there are some interesting things happening.

Here is the NAS rolling out of the cleanroom. Scroll to 0:56 for Jared’s most important contribution to the project to date:

And here it goes from the lift to the truck:

Here we are placing it on blocks to stabilize it. Also, Jason comes up with the official MagAO logo:

See last night’s post (Day 7) for the drive up the mountain.

Here the team is using a come-along to get it back off the truck:

Here is the end of unloading and the placement of the NAS in the Aux building. It passes several Magellan instruments on the way in: The Planet Finding Spectrograph (PFS), Megacam, MMIRS, and Phase-Cam.

In this short clip the electronics racks are rolled into their new home. They fit.

NAS Fitcheck Day 7: Return of the Guanaco (oh, and we moved the NAS today too)

A big day for Magellan AO today. As planned, we packed up our computers and the NAS and moved them to the summit.

We first had to put a little work into the cable that runs power, data, and cooling to the NAS. This is the cable that needs to be wrapped up.
Our computers and ASM electronics are in these nice wheeled racks. It makes us look like a rock band on the road.
The first run to the top was our electronics racks and the CCD cooling system.

This video shows the truck leaving the cleanroom. This was the practice run for the much more delicate NAS.

The Magellan telescopes with the Aux building in between. You can see the truck with our racks and pump just backing up. Click for high resolution.

After lunch, we moved on to the NAS itself. We homed our stages, put on our dust covers, installed the electronics box lids, and threw it on a truck.

Laird and Jared roll the NAS over to the loading dock.
The team is making sure the kick stands on the cart will clear.
The NAS being rolled from the lift onto the truck.
The NAS makes it onto the truck.
All strapped down, we're ready to start the drive.
Jared, Laird, and Jason wait for the drive to start.
The NAS has just left the building. The truck is very carefully backed out of the parking lot so no sharp turns are made.
The NAS about half way up the hill.

This video shows most of the loading process and the drive up the hill.

This video shows the NAS making the last turn at the top.

Just pulling in at the Clay telescope. Home at last.
The NAS arriving at the Clay telescope. Finally.
Unloading got a little tricky. The kickstands again.
The NAS lives in the Aux building between the telescopes when we aren't using it. It's all tucked in for the night.
The last thing we did was fire up the computers in their new home. We've been talking about whether our racks would fit in the equipment room for years. They do.
Tyson, Jared, and Povilas discuss the finer points of caring for lifting straps.
Our mascot supervised most of today's work from a high vantage point.
But our friend couldn't bear to watch the drive up the mountain. Too scary.

The other big news from today was the run’s first Guanaco sighting. Laird caught some movement on the side of the hill on our way to lunch, and Jason and I got as close as we could to investigate.

A lone Guanaco watches us suspiciously. Click for high resolution.
This is as close as it let us get. Based on last time, this probably means they'll be all over the place tomorrow. Click for high resolution.

Days without a motherboard failure: 6

NAS Fitcheck Day 6: Getting Ready

We start our move up to the Clay tomorrow, so today was mainly spent getting ready. We disconnected and drained the supply lines for the NAS cooling system.

Laird, Jason, and Tyson move some hose.

That hose, along with a bunch of power and data cables, was made into a cable and we started wrapping it around the NAS. The NAS will move up to the Aux building between the telescopes tomorrow.

Another detail to worry about is balancing the NAS so we don’t overload the rotator motors. The crew finished a counter-weight today, and Alan and Tyson installed it.

A counter-weight to make the NAS easy to rotate. It's on top - most of the heavy stuff is on the bottom!

Meanwhile, we also tested the main chiller which keeps the ASM itself cool.

Jason in the exhaust tunnel.

Emilio wrote some software to monitor and control the system. See below for a video of it in action during the above test.

Control software for our ASM cooler.

Here's Juan next to the PLC box. Thanks to everybody here and back at Steward who helped make this happen.

While everybody else has been getting their hands dirty, I’ve been putting our VisAO camera through some tests (mainly focusing). As I complain about regularly, we never get very much time to see what it can do. Here are some reduced images with our coronagraphic occulting spot.

Our coronagraphic occulting spot blocks our SDSS i' PSF.
Same, but in our y-ish 1 micron filter.

Tonight’s quote: “Hey Laird, how long do you plan to use this instrument? I mean it’s not just for Jared’s PhD right?” (Jason Lewis)

Hector and Jose surprised us with Sushi at lunch.
I noticed this nice little indoor garden today for the first time.
I did get out of the lab just in time to see the top of the Sun.