MagAO-eXtreme Posts

  • MagAO-X 2024B Bonus Blog: Once more with penguins


    Joseph Long

    MagAO-X 2024B Bonus Blog: Once more with penguins
    It’s been a long-time dream of mine to see wild penguins. I have previously been thwarted by scheduling conflicts, pandemics, and the simple preference for being home after a month away rather than prolonging my travel further… but enough is enough. Once Maggie and Katie managed it, I had to get my act together ...
  • MagAO-X 2024B Day 13: These are the nights to hold on to


    Alycia Weinberger

    MagAO-X 2024B Day 13: These are the nights to hold on to
    I think I’ve had observing time at LCO in every month (though I’m unable to figure out from the records I have on my laptop if I’ve actually physically been at LCO in every month), but this is the best November that I remember. The days are warm and lovely, the nights are clear and ...
  • MagAO-X 2024B Day 12: Manqui Moon


    Jay Kueny

    MagAO-X 2024B Day 12: Manqui Moon
    It’s time to finally call off the searches everyone. Tie up your bloodhounds, turn off those spotlights, and park your helicopters. That’s right, the mountain’s most infamous instrument has been located after eons of searching high and low. There were fears that MagAO’s near-IR camera, Clio, had been sentenced to the boneyard to peacefully decay ...
  • MagAO-X 2024B Day 11: Halfway through


    Elena Tonucci

    MagAO-X 2024B Day 11: Halfway through
    I could feel it from the start: This night was going to be a success. Despite the haze that we could see in the horizon during sunset, the night gifted us a stable seeing and what was cloudy now is clear, baby. Can you believe we are only already at half of the observation run!? ...
  • MagAO-X 2024B Day 10: Telescope Limbo


    Parker Johnson

    MagAO-X 2024B Day 10: Telescope Limbo
    With us finally getting used to working on the night shift, it sure feels like we have been racking up the overtime hours. However, we still find time to get our daily Vizzy content. I have decided to start this blog post by giving the people what they want…Viscacha’s and behind the scenes footage. After ...
  • MagAO-X 2024B Day 9: In the groove


    Joseph Long

    MagAO-X 2024B Day 9: In the groove
    We had an all-Laird, all-Hα night. With everything working so well, the most exciting thing going on instrument-wise was the initial setup, which I was able to get in on. From our control workstation, I dutifully applied the “F-test” (which displays the letter “R”, for reasons lost to history), applied the “J-test” (works as advertised), performed ...
  • MagAO-X 2024B Day 8: International Geographic


    Katie Twitchell

    MagAO-X 2024B Day 8: International Geographic
    Empanada Sunday is always hard to follow, but today started off on a really strong note: an adult and a baby vizzy graced us with their presence just before sunset. Viscachas are notoriously jumpy creatures (in both senses of the word), so there was a National Geographic-esque effort to get some decent shots. Fortunately, our ...
  • MagAO-X 2024B Day 7: It’s Empanada Sunday!


    Jialin Li

    MagAO-X 2024B Day 7: It's Empanada Sunday!
    With our third car stolen by an unknown observer/animal on the mountain/crew a few days ago, the uber arrangement for our 9 people crew has been a bit tricky. Two brave and kind souls volunteered themselves for a hike up to the telescope, Eden and Katie. They were soon rewarded with spotting of the cutest ...
  • MagAO-X 2024B Day 6: Making Rainbows


    Eden McEwen

    MagAO-X 2024B Day 6: Making Rainbows
    Last night, after such quality science, and the night before with rapid fire engineering accomplished, tonight was set to be a good mix of the both. Jared engineering in the early eve and Sebastiaan reanimating the Vis-X visible spectrograph for the rest of the night. Alas, the mountain had other ideas for how we should be ...
  • MagAO-X 2024B Day 5: the awakening


    Sebastiaan Haffert

    MagAO-X 2024B Day 5: the awakening
    Yesterday, we did an amazing job in setting up MagAO-X. Even without direct presence of the PI. Go team! We got the system working at sunset and we spent the whole night performing engineering tasks. One of the last tasks of the night was testing the first coronagraph that Elena made. Below in the picture ...