MagAO-X Maintenance 2024-1 Day 0: 40 to 40 in 1 day

I popped down to LCO from Tucson for a quick visit to fix some cooling issues and test some new cables. I left 40 C in Tucson and arrived to 40 F at LCO.

On my flight down I was somewhat surprised to see that Laird was coming with me.

Laird and Shannon were seated in the row in front of me. Who knew.
The Starbucks SCL Tradition. I think that’s Yeri.
I don’t know what this is about, but I know we’re fans.
Santiago is surrounded by snow-capped mountains, but it had just rained when I walked between terminals.
The La Serena area is stunningly green.
A familiar, but greener, view driving up the coast
Our old friend is still here waiting for us. I probably won’t make it up there.
The post-sunset sky on my walk down to dinner.

There are blog rules. But since I’m the only one here I’m keeping them to myself. Don’t worry, I’ll follow them.

The song of the day