IAU Symposium 299 day 1

Our apologies if you’re having trouble keeping up, but MagAO is now in Victoria, B.C., for IAUS 299. The conference got off to a great start with a review talk by Beth Biller, a product of the Arizona+Laird system.

Beth kicked off the conference. Johanna comments.

TJ had the honor of closing out today’s session. He wowed the crowd with LBT and MagAO disk images.

TJ closed out the session.

The talks from this conference go up on youtube as soon as Christian gets them uploaded (gulp). Here’s TJ’s talk.

For me, personally, the highlight of the conference so far has been the harbour ferry ballet, a truly impressive feat of nautical coordination.

The harbour ferry ballet. Seriously — this is a thing.

This is a lovely place to visit.

The legislative offices at night.

MagAO AAS Poster by Kate Follette

MagAO fans:  Did you miss AAS?  Or did you see our poster at AAS and want to see it again?  Kate had a lot of great conversations at the meeting (ADS link), and she has now posted her AAS 2013 poster as a PDF to our publications archive.  Here it is:

Well, we can’t believe it, but various team members are going to start heading to Chile next week for Comm-2!!  So we hope you enjoy this first taste of our results… and stay tuned for more soon!

MagAO Does Amsterdam

Several members of the MagAO team are in Amsterdam for the SPIE astronomy conference. In addition to presenting several posters and giving some talks, we are also conducting the Clio2 pre-ship review on Wednesday. A busy week.

The Amsterdam RAI conference center is hosting us. The first person to stop by Jared's poster on Monday night and say the word Vizcacha wins a prize.