2014A Day 4: Backin’ dat ASM up

First, an announcement: this is blog post #200! How long can we keep this up?

Today’s big accomplishment was driving the ASM up to the summit.

The ASM backs up to the Aux building.
This scissor lift is the scariest part of the operation.
The ASM is cranked off the truck onto the lift.
Victor poses with the ASM as it slides off the lift.

Best question of the day: “Is it still one piece?” — Juan Gallardo, after the ASM rolled off the lift.

We also reorganized the cables and hoses in the W-Unit.

A freshly organized W-Unit.
The Daily Viz
Clay and Baade at twilight.

Today’s song is one of many with an astronomical theme. If you listen close lots of pop music is about astronomy in some way.