
2014A Day 17: Working Away

Tonight we are happy to present you with the first release of the official trailer for the MagAO movie, directed by Alycia Weinberger.

Coming soon to a theatre or scientific journal near you.

We’re still here at LCO, observing star after star, seeing disk after disk, maybe a high contrast close separation point source or two, and we aren’t out of cookies yet. Here’s a few more things going on:

Those “keeners” (Laird’s word) at Baade always beat us on sky. We’re getting faster.
The MagAO adaptive secondary mirror catches the last daylight as we open to take flats.

Alycia got a good picture of a cute little vizzy at the ASB which she posted the other day. I saw him or her tonight, and I’m sure this is a new animal that we haven’t been seeing before, maybe a young vizzy. In any case, it’s cute.

A dainty little vizcacha at the clean room.

We are now totally on a night schedule. Here’s Laird, Kate, and T. J., heading down to a late breakfast before bed.

Laird, Kate, and T. J. headed down to breakfast after a long night of MagAO science.

It’s always pretty here, and watching the sunset is our nightly ritual.

Laird, Alycia, and Kate watched the sunset from outside the Clay control room.

This came up last night. Man these guys are cool.

2014A Day 16: Awesomeness is Increasing

Greetings everyone! Long time no blog for me, but I’m happy to be back.

In between running the VisAO camera to give Jared a bit of a break, I’ve been working on quick reductions of the data that we’ve been getting for the past few days. It’s useful to reduce the data at the telescope because these “quick looks” can tell you whether you have what you need or, even better, whether there’s something interesting and unexpected in your data to follow up. We’ve had a bit of both over the past few days as TJ, Jared and I have been running our reduction routines.

Without getting too much into specifics of the targets, I’ll tell you that I had the following problem popping up in my reductions last night

Screen Shot 2014-04-12 at 7.39.44 AM

See how you see a bright disk but also a shadow with roughly the same shape? I had to think about it for a bit, but eventually I figured out what my problem was. To explain the solution, I think I should first explain how this type of reduction works.

My pipeline does a kind of data reduction called “Angular Differential Imaging”, which is a neat way to get rid of light from the star in your image and see faint things near the star. Here is an official introduction to the technique, but I’ll explain it very briefly for blog purposes.

For most astronomical observations, you use a rotator to keep the orientation of your object exactly the same as the sky rotates so that the rotator essentially cancels out the rotation of the sky. For ADI imaging, you turn the rotator off and allow your object to rotate with the sky. If you then line up the star in all of your images and median combine them, anything real around the star will have moved around it over the observation, and so it won’t show up in the combination because it won’t be in any given location in more than half of them. Anything fake (well, most things) caused by the optics of the telescope and instrument though, will be in the same place in all the images so it will show up in the median. In other words, you intentionally smear out the real circumstellar structure while keeping the fake structure the same and recover the so-called “Point Spread Function” (PSF) of the star in the median image.

You subtract this PSF then from every individual image to remove the starlight and then rotate them all to compensate for the rotation of the sky so that the orientation of the object is the same in each frame (essentially the same thing that the rotator would have been doing if it were on). This trick usually lets you get rid of starlight very nicely and helps you to pull faint objects like planets out from the data.

It’s trickier though for disks, which is mostly what we’ve been observing for the past few days. If you have a disk that’s symmetric about the star, then allowing the field to rotate doesn’t help you much and the disk shows up in your median-combined PSF. When you subtract the PSF, you subtract most of the disk light too. Bummer.

For this reason, people didn’t use ADI for disk observations for a while, but it turns out that you can make it work in two situations. (1) if your disk has any features (blobs, spiral arms, etc) that aren’t circularly symmetric, then they’ll survive and (b) if your disk is inclined enough (so that it’s not a circle but an oval on the sky) and you allow it to rotate enough so that the disk light appears in fewer than half the images at any given location, then you can still get rid of it for a PSF.

I’d never used this method with our SDI mode before because generally we use the opposite (continuum) channel as a PSF, but we recently pioneered a so-called “ASDI” mode (see Close et al. 2014). The idea there is that you can ADI both SDI images and then subtract them and you essentially get the benefits of two forms of differential imaging.

OK so now to the problem with my new ASDI pipeline. As an object reaches it’s highest point in the sky (transits), it starts to spin faster and faster. We generally get on these objects about an hour before transit when it’s still rotating slowly. Since the rotation starts out slow, then gets fast for a while, then slows down again, the images aren’t equally spread in rotational space. You take a lot of images during the long interval when the object is spinning slowly and not as many while it it spinning quickly. In this case, we left the object right after transit, so there were a bunch of images at approximately the same rotational position, then a few where the object was spinning a lot. If I weight all images equally in the median, disk light ends up in some places in more than half of the images, and I get disk in my PSF and therefore a shadow when I subtract it.  So I edited the code to combine images according to rotation angle instead of by sheer number of images. It still has a bug though and I’m sleepy, so you’ll have to see the fix in another blog post. 🙂

Here are some pretty pictures to tide you over.

This band of clouds to the West was just the beginning of our weather problems last night, but it made for a pretty sunset.
But no green flash this time



I feel like the pictures we post here can’t really capture how beautiful the 360 degree view of the Andes is, so I’ve been playing with the panorama function on my iphone. It only gives you a 180 degree view, but I think it’s an improvement. Here are a few of my favorites.

Photo Apr 10, 7 32 36 PM

Photo Apr 10, 7 25 45 PM

Photo Apr 09, 7 59 23 AM

Photo Apr 09, 7 46 47 PMPhoto Apr 09, 7 53 45 AM

We are officially halfway through our run. Although we are super happy to be here and getting great data, we all miss our families and want to thank them for putting up with our long trips here every semester (and for being our most devoted blog followers). Also, thank goodness for Skype/FaceTime. I don’t know how astronomers managed these long runs before video chat!

Photo Apr 10, 11 44 04 PM

 As I worked on improving my ADI reduction scripts tonight, I kept an ear out for some of Laird and TJ’s usual gems. Here’s a smattering of my favorite quotes from tonight. Everyone gets a little punchy and weird this far into a run, so there are quite a few.

“Technically plants are animals too” -TJ
“I am a marshmallow, your advisor.” -Laird
“I’m just very lucky I have good students” – Laird    (yay!)
“I’m the new Alfio” – Laird
“There’s a Clio manual?” – TJ, the Clio operator
“Signal to noise is always lower at home than you think it was at the telescope” – Alycia
“Aww. TJ’s so cute” – Laird, in response to TJ’s optimism about a target
“don’t use your finger to point to the screen” -Laird
“oh sorry you don’t want me touching your screen” -TJ
“no it’s just that your finger is fat” -Laird 
“guys, what was your first CD?” – TJ
“my first TAPE was the soundtrack to Miami Vice” -Jared
“Laird probably owned LPs” – Alycia


We also spent a while tonight debating whether the They Might be Giants version of “The Sun is a Mass of Incandescent Gas” was better than the original, but I’m writing the blog post so my opinion is what counts for today.

2014A Day 15: Everything is not really awesome

Tonight was an interesting night. We got on sky pretty quickly and proceeded to taking science images with ~1″ seeing. Everything was working well until the seeing blew up to >3″ for about an hour, essentially killing our first target.

The AO fought admirably throughout the horrible seeing bursts but eventually we just had to wait it out. The seeing eventually died down to a steady 1-1.5,” allowing us to make some great science observations for a few hours.

But the night wasn’t done messing with us. Our next obstacle: clouds. They came in and pretty much obliterated all flux hitting the wavefront sensor for about about 2 hours in the second half of the night. After some good old-fashioned waiting and looking outside with our own eyes to inspect the clouds, we were convinced there were enough non-cloudy holes to move to the next science target.

But then we encountered our third obstacle: a telescope malfunction. This effectively killed the rest of the night for us.

However–while we were on sky we did make some great observations of some very interesting targets. All in all, despite the various problems, I would call tonight a successful night. Everything is semi-awesome.


Where we've been practically living for the past 2 weeks or so.
Where we’ve been practically living for the past 2 weeks or so.
The horse once again hanging out tantalizingly close to us.
The horse once again hanging out tantalizingly close to us.
The moon and the mountains captured from a very small telescope (an iPhone)
The moon and the mountains captured from a very small telescope (an iPhone)
We've spent a lot of time looking at lots of other stars. Time to give our own star a little love.
We’ve spent a lot of time looking at lots of other stars. Time to give our own star a little love.


Various people at various times: “Everything is not awesome when the seeing is bad”; “Everything is awesome when the clouds disappear!”

Laird: “I can’t work in these conditions. I can’t do this.” (referring to operating the AO in the horrible seeing)

Laird: “It’s not me, it’s you” (claiming it’s not the AO’s fault)

Laird (redacted)

Jared (in response to redaction): “You know, you can just make up quotes for the blog.”

Goodnight/morning everyone.

2014A Day 14: Everything is Awesome

I’m very happy about how we switch between our target of interest and its point spread function (PSF) star, so I’m guest blogging about it. We want the same AO correction on both objects, even if they are slightly different magnitudes (usually we choose a slightly brighter PSF). We also want to be very efficient, of course, and change between them quickly.

Keeping these in mind, I look for a PSF that is 1) nearby on the sky, i.e. within a few degrees of the target, and 2) has a similar temperature to the target (so the wavefront sensing in visible and the IR camera still see similar brightnesses).

When we are ready to go to the PSF, it takes everyone working together to make the change efficient. We make sure the two science cameras are done integrating, and then we tell the AO operator (AOO) to “pause” the AO. This opens the loop, but saves the gains (the strength at which the AO modes are driven). Once the AOO confirms that the AO is paused, the Telescope Operator (TO) moves the Magellan guider from its park position (GPARK) to its center position (GCENTER). Once the guider is in, it occults the wavefront sensor, but we can see in the guider field of view exactly where the star was placed when it was centered on the pyramid. Since the AO wavefront sensor is off axis, the location of the star as seen by the centered guider changes with time and position on the sky, but since our PSF and target are close together, the position of the PSF should be very very close to where the target was. So, the TO marks the position of the target in the guider.

Now, the TO slews to the PSF star and brings it to the marked position on the guider. He then moves the guider out of the way, back to its park position, and voila, the PSF appears on the pyramid. Then the AOO can unpause the AO system, and we’re locked on the PSF with the same gains (level of correction) as we had on the target.

This is super efficient. From the time of our last integration on the target to our first integration on the PSF is less than 3 minutes! That is a testament to the efficiency of the Magellan TO and telescope as well as the efficiency of our teamwork on the AO pausing/restarting.

In other words, “Everything is cool when we’re part of a team.”

Which Lego character should we assign to Laird?
No, you have to keep reading, the Lego Movie soundtrack does not supply the song of the day.

We’re not just singing “Everything is Awesome” on our PSF switching. We also sing it when we’re able to stay closed loop on a star when it passes only 46.5 min from zenith. Magellan is the only Alt-Az telescope I know that tracks so well at zenith and without vibration. And Laird says MagAO is the only system that can keep the loop closed when the rotation is changing so fast. How awesome is that?

By virtue of doing my afternoon conference call from the Vizzytor Support Building, I got a good look at our sleepy friend Vizzy. An energetic relative of his (hers?) was hopping around the rocks just west of Clay as I left the dome yesterday morning.

A nice warm afternoon for napping.

I wish I could sleep as late into the afternoon as Vizzy.

Tonight we said <cough> goodbye </cough> to Alfio, who is headed back to Italy tomorrow (despite the efforts of the Lan Chile domestic pilots strike). Kate chose this farewell song in his honor. We trying not to let the AO system know he’s gone, since it’ll be 24 hr before we can call him with any desperate pleas for help.

And finally, for some science. Here is a cool quick data reduction complements of Kate Follette that shows the re-detection of the accreting (H-alpha bright) point source from last year’s commissioning run (HD 142527B in Close et al. 2014, ApJ ). The new H-alpha and continuum filters are working well (see yesterday’s blog post showing the differential imaging).

B is just 86 mas from A.
HD142527B imaged at H-alpha again!



2014A Day 13: What We Came For

One of MagAO’s specialties is high contrast imaging in the visible using simultaneous differential imaging (SDI). For this run we bought a new H-alpha SDI filter set, and tonight we really put them to use. This image compares our on and off H-alpha PSFs. These are formed from 1 hour of 45 second exposures. No strehl selection or any other shady tricks.

Since Kate is here, we are of course doing lots of H-alpha differential imaging.
We had a great night tonight, with fantastic seeing the whole night.
Kate Follette is back. Here she is taking data with VisAO. She’s hiding the name of the object cuz it’s a secret.
TJ, Laird, and Alfio hard at work. T. J. is contemplating the fate of humanity.
Alycia has joined us again.
The burro herd showed up after dinner.
Clay, by the light that never warms. (If you don’t get that reference, you need to start listening to our songs.)

We close tonight with deep thoughts by T. J. Rodigas: “What I’m worried about is human knowledge after the Earth is destroyed . . . we should beam it up to the space station.”