Remember Jared’s Trouble post from a few days ago? He offered a free MagAO sticker to the first person to email what was wrong with Fig. 1. We got a few submissions that noticed the repaired fiber cable — actually that was from a couple years ago — read Marco’s hilarious post about how we repaired it in a garlic-powered session. But no, the problem this time was the LC4 fiber connection was not communicating. Well, have no fear, MagAO’s favorite sister Anna saves the day. Not only did she email us to identify the problem, but she fixed it too! Now that is some initiative right there! A true engineer! Thanks Anna!!!
Related to Anna’s fix, Jared decided it was a good day to tear apart the computer that supervises all the processes going back and forth to the adaptive secondary:
He took out some RAM — apparently there were a few too many GOATS causing the Trouble — and tonight we had a much more stable AO loop!!
LCO, sometimes you make me feel like I’m the only girl in the world.

As Rihanna says:
And LCO says back:
I was not expecting the majority of the top Youtube hits to be men/boys rather than women/girls covering this song… huh. Well, OK, Daughtry, when are you going to cover this?