On this, my (hopefully, fingers crossed) last full night as TO I have the honor to do the daily log entry. Plenty of rules to adhere to, thought (can I suggest next time we only use live performances, performed on site? We could do a gregorian chant on the domes, that would be pretty cool).
Can’t really tell what happened during the day, although it seems that finally the full AO team is on the unnatural night shift (based on the vibes here at the control room at 4 AM). Good for you guys! Only 4 and some weeks to go!
The night started pretty good, on sky very early on, on our first official science night. Of course, after 2 (3) great Engineering nights Murphy had to apply, and a network failure had us on our heads. And double bad luck: once fixed, wind speed was too high to safely open. Sorry, that’s the one thing I can’t fix. That and the damned plates.

Thank a LOT for the opportunity of watching through the eyepiece. I was flabbergasted, really. See you next week. Oh, and a bit late, but: May the 4th be with you!