One thing I am getting out of this quarantine is exploring many recipes and using my kitchen hardware more often than making weekly meal preps. I purchased a 6-quart enameled cast iron dutch oven back in February and have used it once so far to make beef and red lentil chili. I’m very excited I am using this cast iron dutch oven again – this time for bone broth!

Bone broth has been popularized recently with the airing of The Mandelorian on Disney+ last fall. I binged watched it back in February and enjoyed it. I had thought about watching it again while consuming this bone broth, but alas my Disney+ 7-day trial has long since expired. However, there’s lots of western films available to watch. So, why not a very western classic – Akira Kurosawa’s Yojimbo (1961).

In case you are confused, Yojimbo was remade in 1964 by Sergio Leone into the movie A Fistful of Dollars (Source: Wikipedia). It became a spaghetti western after Leone couldn’t secure Yojimbo‘s remake rights. Here’s a really good video that showcases the parallels between both movies:
We’ve talked about food inspiration from a space western and watching a Japanese samurai film, so let’s close up with some iconic spaghetti western film score.
Here’s a live version with the Danish National Symphony Orchestra. I think the jaw harp is one of the coolest instruments ever.