Yesterday, we did an amazing job in setting up MagAO-X. Even without direct presence of the PI. Go team! We got the system working at sunset and we spent the whole night performing engineering tasks. One of the last tasks of the night was testing the first coronagraph that Elena made. Below in the picture we see Elena performing her first observations with a successful test of the PIAACMC! Can you find the two planets in the picture?

After a long day of almost 24 hours, we al were very tired and decided to go to bed. I was looking forward to a long day of sleep because I stay out too late if we observe. However, the Earth had other plans for us.

First I thought the Earth was just being rude but then I realized it just wanted to wake us up in time for lunch. So a short 20 minutes later a large part of the team was having fun at lunch.

After a nice lunch, I went up to the telescope for calibrations and engineering work. We are preparing to make MagAO-X smart by adding all kinds of AI. The most important one that gave MagAO-X its voice was of course already added by the amazing Dr. Long. And now, it’s time to give it brains for AO. Yesterday we noticed that we were missing the most important ingredient in the kitchen (or at least to me). We were very short on our supply of coke zero (“observing runs are fueled by coke.”). Somehow the observatory staff was able to read our minds and stocked up the kitchen with about 3 gallons of coke zero. You can not imagine how relieved I was when I stepped into the kitchen and saw the picture below.

Our night started off a bit rough with seeing up 1.7 arcseconds. For those that are not astronomers – so much seeing makes me want to give up. But Laird was sayin’ it’s gonna be alright because the start of the night is often rough. And he was right, the seeing started to come down and we actually had an amazing second half of the night. Our observations this night were taking for guest observers from Michigan. We had a great observing guest to keep us motivated and on our feet.

At the end of the night, I stayed up after the rest of the crew went down to sleep. This precious morning time was used to take data to get MagAO-X its brains. Hopefully, I took enough data and we will see in a couple of days if it will actually work! But I stay out too late thanks to these engineering tasks and I got nothing in my brain anymore so I will head off to bed. But just before that I got this music in my mind that I need to share with you all.