Maggie giving her HCAT talk, overviewing phasing on the testbed.
GMagAO-X just hit another big milestone, we just finished up its Preliminary Design Review (PDR). If you haven’t been to one before, a PDR is a chance for a design to be critiqued and tweaked before moving on. If a project does well on its PDR, it’ll have good reason to be funded and moved to its next phase, the Final Design Review (FDR). If the committee finds it needs more work, an instrument might have another PDR in its future (this has happened to a few other ELT instruments).
Our hope is that GMagAO-X becomes a first light instrument at the GMT, and the PDR is a huge first step.
A huge thanks to the committee members who made their way to Tucson to give their expertise to the exercise:
Antonin Bouchez (who previously worked with GMT AO, and now is the director of AO at Keck)
Dimitri Mawet (PI for KPIC, the High contrast fiber fed instrument at Caltech)
Mike Bottom (UHawaii)
Markus Kasper (ESO)
Alan Uomoto (Carnegie Observatory)
The two days were filled with talks about everything from science motivation, to optical design, to predicted schedule and budgeting. We got to do it all in Steward’s historic dome, specially outfitted for the experience.
Jared pointing
Since we had them out here in Tucson, the festivities got to include gadgets like a to scale model of of the GMagAO-X design, a non-functional 3K like the ones planned on in the design, and the patented optical locking clamp. Maggie also got a chance to show off the HCAT bench, for some hands on learning.
The 3D printed instrument, it rotates!Hop clamp inspecting.Maggie demoing the HCAT bench.
This was also a good chance for the rest of the team to catch up on where the GMagAO-X project is at.
Miscellaneous grad student attendees.
Thank you again to all the people who put in the work to pull the two days of review together, the committee for their attention and helpful comments. GmagAO-X is a stronger instrument because of the PDR!
[We love Logan but we aren’t always great at getting Blog posts out :S ]
Editor’s note: This blog post was left in “draft” status for eight months, and Logan is long since back in Tucson, but its contents are too important to leave unpublished. The management regrets this delay.
Hello from Arizonans in California! I just got back from the UC Santa Cruz Center for Adaptive Optics (CfAO) Fall retreat, where members of the AO work through some of the pressing problems in the field. This year was focused on High Contrast imaging testbeds, lessons learned from Magellan’s MagAO-X and Subaru’s SCExAO and what might be in the cards for Keck, and a round up of adaptive Secondary progress – LBTO, MMT, and the future of IRTF, KECK, and beyond.
The Arizona Telescopes representing, Me representing MagAO-X (Magellan Clay), Robin and Jacob the Toronto part of MAPS (MMT), and Sam Ragland (LBTO)
Some of the likely suspects were around, namely Jacob and Robin from UToronto representing MMT calibration work and Sam Ragland from LBTO operations. Thanks to a very generous student scholarship from the workshop organizers, I was able to attend and represent MagAO-X’s progress.
If someone had taken a picture of me presenting, it would look a little like this.
Sam’s update on the LBT’s progress was some of the most concrete work concerning a long-term Facility adaptive secondary, in this case using adOptica technology. Sam discussed the re-coating of the secondary, and future plans, including adopting an ASM from CHile, close to this group’s heart.
Sam Ragland giving an update talk on LBTO’s work with Adaptive Secondaries.
Jacob got the longest student talk of the conference, and got to spend an hour discussing his method for calibrating on sky. A key difference between the LBTO and other telescopes discussed being that LBTO is a Gregorian design with an intermediate focus that allows for daytime calibrations of their secondary. MAPS and systems like IRTF and Keck are Cassegrain design with no focuses before the primary, and can only take calibration matrices on a bright star on sky. Making the operating software and calibration procedure robust in the meantime is a huge step towards making these systems reliable and facility class.
Jacob Taylor presenting on one method MAPS uses for on sky calibrations.
We also got one last GMT talk from Antonin, who has recently moved from his role on GMT to the AO scientist for the Keck twin 10ms. He gave an update on the current design of the GMT adaptive secondaries, which will be using a similar technology to what’s currently on LBT. In fact, we learned that the rigorous modeling and testing on the GMT prototypes solved a resonance issue that LBT had unexplained.
Antonin Bouchez reprising his past role of GMT AO lead to talk about advancements in the GMT secondary design. He has recently accepted an AO position at Keck.
I cannot express how grateful I am to have a community that shares and collaborates as this one does. Even though MagAO-X is already built, there’s a lot to learn from the discussions that Keck is having about their own testbed. As in, what areas of interest are already met by our technology? What new avenues are being pursued? And where do all fit in the the US high contrast family?
Took a quick break to see the hills of Santa Cruz
Thank you to everyone who made this conference so fruitful! And to the organizing committee for the student scholarship.
Conference participant photo, filtered by who stayed till Sunday.
This past weekend, the MagAO-X team got to take part in a historic event, the casting of the 7th and final GMT segment! The Giant Magellan Telescope is made up of 7th petal-like segments, and the Mirror Lab—a facility on the University of Arizona campus—is the only place in the world that can make them. These 8.4-meter segments have been in production for decades now, and this weekend the final one has started the 6 month journey of melting glass in the 5-rpm rotating furnace, until it cools to a room-temperature parabola. On Saturday the furnace reached its peak temperature, and from there it begins to cool. Interested parties, donors, and investors gathered to celebrate this milestone for the GMT.
On Friday and Saturday, some of the MagAO-X team helped the mirror lab staff give tours. Jialin and I have been training as tour guides for the last few months, Jared’s been doing it since his grad days, and Maggie was there as a GMagAO-X expert. First stop on the tour is the main attraction, the Furnace Room!
The GMT Segment melting in the spinning furnace.
The furnace is actually two levels, with the lower level focused on controls and system monitoring. You can see the large holder where the mirror segment will be hosed out.
Second view of the spinning furnace.Ohara glass, what goes into the furnace.
The furnace room was hot! You could feel the difference in the oven heating just between Friday and its peak on Saturday. The next room over, where mirrors are ground and polished, is noticeably cooler than the first room. It’s kept at a constant temperature so that there’s no expansion of the glass as it’s brought to nanometers of the specified shape.
Polishing a 6.5m mirror.
Past the polishing room is the integration room, where GMT mirrors are stored in between their different stages of production. One of them, covered in blue, is actually on it’s way to being stored off site! Others are upside down, as they need their actuated backs attached, and so on. This set up is affectionately called the “CD Switcher”.
CD switcher with 3 different GMT segments.A mirror almost ready to ship!
The three of us were stationed at the end of the tour in the integration room. This isn’t usually a stop on public tours, but it was opened up for the festivities. We got the honor of explaining how excited we are to do the science that the Giant Magellan telescope is built to do!
Prepping the talks and setting up the posters.
In the marching order, I was first! I introduced what MagAO-X is (an extreme AO instrument directly imaging exoplanets on the Magellan Clay telescope) and explained some of the basics of AO.
Me showing MagAO-X in action.
Next was Jialin, talking about the exciting science we get to do with MagAO-X, and the motivation for wanting to make our pretty pictures even prettier.
Jialin explaining what exactly is so cool about H-alpha acreating proto-planets.
Maggie then got to talk about the plans for GMagAO-X! Her work on HCAT, where we’ve done phasing development in lab, is a huge step forward in the feasibility of the project. She got to show the visitors what a GMT pupil would look like.
Maggie explaining the phasing problem in the next generation of ELTs
Finally, Jared got to talk about his favorite planet. Not caught in action, but by the end of his talk, everyone in the audience was thoroughly convinced of the impact that GMagAO-X will make on the exoplanets we love.
Jared prepping his slides, finding the best fake image of Prox-Cen B.
Hanging out with giant mirrors and speaking on the projects we work on was a huge honor! We hope to get to be back when they pull the mirror out of the furnace in March, and for plenty of tours in between.
The team after all the mirror lab tour madness.
Bonus Video:
The team talking about the GMT in an interview recently! This was shown to some of the guests this weekend, and will be around Steward for a while, I’m sure.
Dear readers, we have no science news to report. It has been windy and has stayed windy, with a fresh splash of humid to boot. So unfortunately, we do not have new science content to report. The experts have already shared their knowledge of some of the instrument’s background so tonight we’ll take the time to get to know our fellow crew mates better.
First we’ll speak with returning costar, Amali Vaz, working hard in the AO Operator’s seat. She’s a jack of all trades, being well versed in the mirror and its moods, ASMs of times gone past, and now the new CACAO wrangler.
Q: What’s your favorite button to push?
A: Hmm now that’s a good question. It’s gotta be the space bar. I read somewhere the joke ‘ I keep pressing the space bar but I’m still here on earth, and I still think about that?
Q: What’s your biggest area of improvement?
A: Jared says he can’t hear when I push buttons, so I guess hitting the keys harder.
Q: What’s your favorite book
A: Station 11. It does a weird mix of scifi and post-appocalypse with an emphasis on art.It’s a very elegantly structured book, as well as a good story.
Q: Stranded on a desert island with only one of your crafts, which would you choose?
A: Wood carving knives
Pictured: Amali, humoring me.
Next we speak to Robin, a core member of the the Canadian team, and DOCRIMES Agent, about some poignant and topical questions. Robin is a grad student from Toronto and keeps trying to wear shorts in this sub 70s weather.
Q: What are you excited about for the future of MAPS?
A: Good weather. Getting back on sky.
Q: What’s your favorite day of the crossword?
A: Thursday. It’s always got a little trick to it.
Q: How would you describe grad school?
A: No comment.
Q: What’s your favorite Trader Joe’s snack?
A: Chicago mix, but they don’t have it anymore. This run, easy choice, the leaf chips. They were good, and fun!
Q: How would you describe Jacob.
A:Tall. Complex. Shortily challenged.
Pictured, some of the many Trader Joes snack table options.
Now talking to Jacob, who is more than just his height. He’s been on the team for the last four or so years as a grad student at Toronto, initially working on the IR WFS (That we’re very excited to use).
Q: What are you excited about for the future of MAPS?
A: Can you just write ‘Aliens, Question Mark?’
Q: Would you rather take on an angry Frenchman or a disappointed Canadian?
A: Well I’ve already taken on an angry frenchmen. But if Quebec, no way. But a disappointment Canadian is a lot of emotional labor. Like if you disappoint your grandma, that’s hard.
Q: Favorite astronomy acronym?
A: Well it has to be the one I came up with. ESCAPE, which is when you combine DOCRIMES and SPRINTING.
Q: How would you describe Robin?
A: A cartoon character, like a sly rabbit, but not bugs bunny. Wait but maybe Bugs Bunny. It’s the sarcasm.
Enough said.
Next is Manny. He’s one of our fearless leaders and has been on the last half dozen or so of the last MAPS runs. He is gracious with his supply of fizzy water and doles out moka pot offerings when the night starts to get rough.
Q: What is the historical trendline of your fizzy water intake?
A: Usually bring two cases of 12, but this time I brought 3. I usually run out. For MAPS? I always bring fizzy water.
Q: What’s the hardest part of your job?
A: The hardest part is managing people and many projects.
CROWD COMMENT: But that’s the whole job.
A: So yes, the whole job.
Q: What’s your favorite telescope you’ve worked at?
A: I’ve been to two, no three. I would say that MMT is my favorite. It’s closer to home, and feels homey. We have fewer bares
Q: What animals have you seen on the mountain? Please rank from ‘would pet’ to ‘would run away from’?
A: I haven’t wanted to pet any of them. In ordering from most to least pet-able. Mouse. Rat. Squirrel. Quattie. Turkey. Ring tailed cat. Deer. Bobcat. Bear. Mountain lion. Rattle snake. Helomonster.
COMMENT: Manny goes on to show us many pictures of animals hes’s seen.
This picture depicts some the good care Manny takes to keep us caffeinated.
Next up, the MAPS PI Katie! She is an Astronomer at Steward Observatory and comes from a long legacy of AO work.Watch out for her revolutionary new pet program at the MMTO coming.
Q: What’s your favorite project you’ve PI’ed for and why is it MAPS?
A: It’s MAPs because it’s so many things and that’s what makes it fun. There are so many different parts to it.
Q: What’s the most overblown but technically true statement you can make about the progress of this project (for funding reasons)?
A: MAPS is attempting to do the most number of things that are all related to Exoplanets. It’s all of the different kinds of planets, spectral resolutions. But we’re not galaxies. We’re not doing wide field yet. We’re doing all kinds of exoplanets and all kinds of science with them, imaging, mid resolution spectroscopy, high resolution spectroscopy, without having to be the highest order AO.
COMMENT: We’re the little AO system that could!
Q: You can only take one… Lynx or Ginger? (to the telescope)
A: “Well Ginger is my cat and Lynx is Jared’s , but they have switched allegiances. Last time I went to the telescope actually, so we’ll see when we go back. But for now, I’d say Lynx, he’s very good at advising grad students, he has a lot of opinions about plots. He’s shy at first but would warm up to the control room and walk over some keyboards. Maybe that’ll be the right button we need. AND! He actually snuggles, so a good telescope buddy.”
Q: What ply of toilet paper do you prefer for your laptop stands? Does MMTO meet the quality specifications?
A: For my laptop stand I require uniform material of abundance quantities. MY first night here I searched the facilities and this was the materials that meet my needs.
The Laptop stand in question.
Grant, who has been working on MAPS since re-aluminizing the secondary in 2018 (5 years ago) is a key member of the ‘Field trip!’ duo. He helps keeps our alignment in check throughout the night and sometimes trouble shoots from a very high forklift.
Q: What’s been your biggest success on the project so far?
A: The wavefront sensor board. Designing, aligning, and keeping the whole system from falling apart. This was the first WFS board I’ve worked on. How do I keep it from falling off the telescope? Use bigger bolts, and way more than you think you need.
Q: If you had to rename MAPS, what would you rename it?
A: What does MAPS even mean? MMTAO… something? Well we’re basically a big wind measurement devices. MMT AneMometer. So MAM’
Q:”What’s your one must-bring for observing runs?”
A: French Press, that’s been keeping me alive. I’m a novice, so this is my first actual ground coffee that I’ve done. I haven’t always been a coffee person, it really started last year.
COMMENT: this is coincidentally coincides with Grant starting on Observing runs.
Q: Have you worked at any other telescopes? How would you rate their comfy chairs?
I don’t get to sit at any comfy chairs at LBT… sometimes I get to sit on the couches. But the chairs here really have them beat
COMMENT: We leave Grant to enjoy his comfy chair in peace.
A picture from Grant of the ASM re-aluminization from back in 2018.
Finally Jared Males, self proclaimed “I’m just the software guy”. He has been a notable member of many AO teams in the past, and has already made many a git push for MAPS.
Q: What’s your favorite part of an instrument project’s lifecycle, having commissioned and worked on a few at this point?
A: First light. The first time you take it to the telescope and you get starlight into it.
Q: When would you eat the watermelon?
A: I would want to see an airy ring.
Q: What’s your software hottest take?
A: Writing software is a real professional skill. TOo many people just learn enough to get a plot made or whatever. You don’t do that with say, lens design. We don’t teach software like a real technical skill. A lot of people live with real technical debt because they don’t understand their software.
Q: You can only take one… Lynx or Ginger? (to the telescope)
A: Lynx. …. I was in Chile for too long one time, and Ginger abandoned me. I have never been forgiven.
Q: If Olivier was your brother, would he be your older or younger brother?
A: Definitely older, even though I am chronologically older than I am. Professionally he is more experienced. He’s generally thought of things before I’ve thought of it.
Q: If you could script people like you would script cacao, what’s the first shared memory stream you would write?
A: That’s an interesting Question. I would would cause them to listen to the semaphores in my shared memory so that they (my grad students) would instantly do what I wanted.
COMMENT: This seemed like a pointed answer. The interviewer will be returning to work.
The two cats in question, Ginger and Lynx.
Thank you for tuning in to tonight blog! Hopefully the MAPS team will return tomorrow with more science-focused content.
Song of the day:
Inspired by my current most common activity of sitting, and slow musical chairs, I present Sitting.