In a new world record, the crew installed the ASM, the Nas, and Clio all in one day. After dinner we finished connecting and cabling everything. We went on sky and closed the loop around midnight. Clio is still getting down to a cool 55 K (-218* C or -360* F). It started out at 287 K (14* C or 57* F) and it was a long cold day for me yesterday:

Laird worked all day today with the crew, with Jared and I joining later so that we could sleep a bit during the day to be up all night. Pato Jones helped Jared and Laird cable the Nas, turn on the guider, and balance the rotator:
We had some trouble shooting to do after getting on sky and closing the loop. This included the Clio motors, nodding, rotating, and at the end of the night the ASM was complaining because it was too cold, so we were trying to let it warm up. We also had problems with X11 windows being too slow on one of the default computers in the Clay control room “Guanaco”, so we switched to a computer of our own:
With the loop closed and before I tried to change any filters, I managed to measure the focus position in one Clio filter, 3.3um:
Well, we’re happy to have gotten on-sky in the fastest time ever, so we will leave it at that and head down to a delicious LCO breakfast: