Hi All,
As is tradition the PI will finish off the run with the last blog. This run marked our 7th year operating at LCO making great images and science. This run was no exception with great science delivered (despite the many clouds we encountered as winter is definitely coming). I’d like to thank all the LCO staff that did a great hosting us and I’d like to thank all the observers that came out to work with MagAO.
I’d like to show some great photos of the packing up process that was done in just one day (a new record).
Below is the ASM ready to be packed up and driven down to the clean room (where it will wait a year for us to come back — but we will come back).

Admin Edit:
Post failed to include a song of the day, please see 2018A Blog Rules.
Therefore the admin will choose a song of the day:
And the cover gave me goosebumps:)