MagAO-X is alive! After being boxed up, shipped from Tucson to Phoenix to LA (we think — a little fuzzy) to Miami, with a long pause, then to Santiago, braving the dangers of revolution (and customs (and customs strikes!)), and a trip by truck (always touchy, this time with road blocks!), and finally being craned out of its box and carefully reconstituted, we can still close the loop.
Needless to say we are happy, a little bit relieved, and excited to get our new instrument on the Magellan Clay Telescope.
Of course, it doesn’t always go exactly as planned. As the Captain said, “It never goes smooth. How come it never goes smooth?”

So here’s the big moment when we finally knew that we didn’t f it all up:
And here you can see our vAPP coronagraphs looking good in a deep exposure:

Tonight’s song is “Wanted Dead or Alive”, by Bon Jovi: