Today I presented Kevin Wagner’s talk about searching for planets in 10 µm light. I think I did an okay job talking about things I know nothing about, but then, I do have plenty of practice.

Incredibly, people did ask me questions. In this rare instance, “beats me, ask someone else!” was a valid answer. (Actually, I’ve been running audience messages back and forth to Kevin on the Steward grad student Slack. Just not on stage.)
The only MagAO-X/XWCL member officially on the schedule for today was our fearless leader Dr. Jared Males.

I can’t speak for Jared, but I’m happy to be free of any further obligations beyond listening and enjoying the rest of the conference.
Themed Gallery 1: Pictures of PDS 70 b from SPHERE
It’s their fave.

Themed Gallery 2: Food in hand