MagAO-X Maintenance 2024-1 Day 2: In-N-Out

Caught the 0830 transport down this morning. Irony of ironies, this may have been the most stunningly clear blue Chile-wide sky I’ve ever seen. Caveat: I’m usually coming off a weeks-long night-schedule average 4 or 5 hrs of sleep, so not usually awake for any of this trip.

Not a cloud in the sky at sunrise, but a few on the ground.
Last view of the telescopes (until next time)
First view of the ocean. About here is where your skin breathes again.
The forms must be observed. Even after such a short stay, this is the stuff.
The La Serena / Coquimbo shoreline. Should have gone to the beach.
The Andes look very imposing when you can see them.
Challenge: find Vera C. Rubin!
The SCL succulent wall looked gorgeous with all the sunlight.
A closeup.
Song of the day.