2014B Day 21: A tale of two seeings

I go back down the mountain and begin my journey home tomorrow. I had a successful night and a half with some pretty good seeing, and I’m quite pleased with my data. As Jared mentioned 2 posts ago, my observations required pushing Clio and the MagAO system to their limits. While we identified a few hang-ups (under-powered stage motors…), most of the observing proceeded pretty well. I present this video as a rebuttal to Jared’s Captain Jack video:

(If the video doesn’t load for you, click here.)

Pretty much sums up my experience.

In addition to having some good data in-hand, I’m also excited that I now have a much more well defined algorithm/approach to observing in prism mode with MagAO/clio2. A big thanks to Katie for her help in developing the prism mode routine: future runs will be as efficient as possible.

Also thanks to Jared for his help in bypassing the normal active-optics steps at the telescope. I got on sky an extra 30 mins early and was able to add an important target.

I’m just hanging out tonight since my time is done. Kate and Jared divided the night. While Kate waited for her targets to rise, Jared was observing with visAO. The stars aligned for Kate, it seems:

scren grab of a screen grab
Seeing vs. Time

Other events include the arrival of Kim from Santiago and the consumption of the last coconut cookie.

I went for a walk and found some pretty purple flowers.

remind me of some orange ones I see in Tucson
found these on a walk

I’m obliged to include a song. Since I’m leaving tomorrow, how about this one: