MagAO is at the SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation conference in Edinburgh, Scotland this week. Instrumentation-astronomers from around the world are gathered here to talk science and engineering. The talks feature everything from detector technology, high-speed computing, and telescope operations to gravitational waves and extrasolar planets.
My talk about MagAO was the first one of the conference:
Jared had two posters:
This one is about MagAO-2k and MagAO-X:
And Enrico had one:
Laird gave an invited talk about visible-light AO:
And Armando about the new AO system for the VLT:
We took the opportunity of all being in the same place to plan our MagAO upgrade to 2 kilohertz, called MagAO-2k.
Some more pictures from around the conference:

UA grad student Asher Baltzell gave a talk in the Cyberinfrastructure section about his work creating a cloud-computing software package to detect exoplanets in MagAO data. This work was featured in this video by Cyverse:
Finally, check out the SPIE post about the conference here. Look for me, Asher, and MagAO in there!