2016A Day 5: The Internet Is Back

The internet went down in the middle of the night last night, and just came back.

Two nights ago we used a high speed camera, an Andor iXON 897 EMCCD, to measure the vibrations of our system at 2500 Hz (that means we were taking images at 5000 Hz). The camera was mounted where Clio normally goes

Our super whamodyne >5000 Hz EMCCD camera, just before we unbolted it and put it away.

Then yesterday, Katie rousted the crew to finally install Clio.

A soaring hawk looking for dinner

2016A Day 4: Eye Trouble

We started tonight off with some eyepiece observing. Of course, since we had visitors, the ASM decided to act up. It seems to be the same problem we had in 2015A — and I hope it will go away by itself just like it did then. In the brief moments we had a working AO system, we managed to induct 9 new members in L’Ordine .

The eyepiece.
Katie signing new members Tom Pritzker, Margot Pritzker, and Ken Wong into the book.

Wendy Freedman just after signing her name.

A too cloudy, but gorgeous evening sky two nights ago.

It’s Valentine’s Day!

Keep it funky.

2016A Day 1: This and That

Katie arrived safe and sound, just in time for dinner. During the day: more preparations, mostly working on our new toys. We installed the new field stop, but only after Laird drew all over it with a Sharpie.

Everyone here agrees that Sharpie does almost no good. But it must look like we did the right thing.

Oscar helped us countersink some bolts, and Laird tested out the mount for our new camera.

Our new super whamodyne electron multiplying CCD camera.
Clay getting ready for some M2FS observing.

I’ve been obsessing about read noise in our wavefront sensor camera. This isn’t a new thing, some of our most epic “sea stories” revolve around troubleshooting this camera. That was all solved a while ago, but now we are trying to get it running at 2000 Hz. So this song is about noise.

The fact that I can’t find a youtube entry of the album version of this song makes me feel “not fresh”.

2016A Day 0: Fresh On Arrival

Mark Phillips commented, upon seeing me at lunch, that us AOistas always look “so fresh when you get here.” That implies that he has seen me look “not fresh”. It’s fair.

Laird made it today, and Katie is in the air.

We’re hard at work getting ready. This time, we have also begun preparing for “MagAO-2K”. This is an NSF funded project which will improve performance of MagAO. You’ll be hearing lots more about it in the coming days, weeks, and months. For now, I’m working on getting our wavefront sensor camera tuned for running at 2000 frames per second. We’re also installing a new field stop stage for VisAO, and we have a new very high speed camera that we are going to use on this run to measure vibrations.

Here’s my first sunset picture of 2016A:

Sunset on the future

Today’s video is very astronomical, and even looks like it was filmed at a digital LCO. The coolest part, however, is the exploding GMT.

2016A Day -1: Already Back

Yep, it’s that time again. If you’re thinking we just left, you’re right. We just barely had more time at home than we usually spend here.

The drive up:

The burros tried to stop us on the drive up.

Some work got done:

Two towers have gone up on the GMT site. I hear they will be used for weather monitoring and to record the construction.
Thanks to Gabriel Martin, Clio is already pumping down.
We’re set up in the Aux.

It’s my turn to set the rules. We’re going back to basics. The only requirement is that any Day X post must have a song of the day, no other rules.