
The Birds and The Bees of Planet Formation

MagAO’s revolutionary visible light capabilities have allowed us to directly image a planet residing inside a circumstellar disk gap for the first time. These images, of the forming protoplanet LkCa 15 b, provide the first incontrovertible evidence of accretion onto a forming planet.

In fact, the study joined two independent results from Arizona facilities – interferometric data from the Large Binocular Telescope on Mt. Graham in Arizona and direct images from our very own MagAO system at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile.

The MagAO data was obtained by myself (Kate Follette), Laird Close, Jared Males, and Katie Morzinski as part of the Giant Accreting Protoplanet Survey (GAPplanetS). The final product: images of the forming protoplanet LkCa15b glowing in the light of ultra hot hydrogen gas. This is an indication that the planet is still growing, because Hydrogen gas glows at this characteristic wavelength of light when it is in the process of falling onto a massive object – in this case a protoplanet! LkCa15 b is visible glowing in Hydrogen-alpha, but unlike our previous discovery of HD142527B, it is NOT glowing in ordinary visible light. This indicates that the underlying object is very low mass – the first true GAPplanet!


Read about the entire study, which combined our H-alpha data with near-infrared interferometric data from the Large Binocular Telescope collected by Steph Sallum and Josh Eisner, at the links below. Steph and Josh were able to isolate light from two more protoplanet candidates – LkCa15c and d, and saw LkCa15b in the same place as the MagAO direct images, providing independent confirmation of its identity as a forming protoplanet!


The Nature Article

UA Press Release

Stanford Press Release

2015B Day 2: Computing Computers Compute

Based on the issues Jared has been having with the Adsec Supervisor harddrives, we decided to test booting off the Clio harddrive spare that Vanessa and I made a few runs back. Laird and I supervised the crew moving the ASM to the top. Mauricio and I began pumping down Clio. And Jared continued to trouble shoot his various computers and cameras. Pictures:

Moving the ASM… again.
My favorite part was when Felix drove a little Suzuki onto the lift to test and recalibrate the pressure.
It boots!!!
Laird and Jared at work on the W-unit.
A different view.

Yesterday’s song of the day was by Kesha, so today’s is a fun Kesha parody by Jank about Astrobiology:

2015B Day 1: Cloudy Days

It’s been really cloudy the last 48 hours.

Totally socked in at sunrise

There have been no vizcachas at the clean room. I found a couple on the north side of the telescope this morning though.

Can you see the vizcacha?

The clouds were still around after sunset.

Still cloudy at night.

Laird and Katie made it! Laird lost some luggage, and they’re both tired after a hectic trip, but otherwise safe and sound.

Last night we heard about bourbon and scotch. Tonight Ke$ha discusses the contents of her water bottle, though she does not specify exactly what type of whiskey it is.

2015B Day 0: Configuration

I spent my whole day working on computers — hard drive partitions and RAIDs and RAM. So I don’t have much to talk about.

There is a new power line going in just west of the road to the 100 inch. I’m not sure, but my best guess is that it has something to do with the GSMT. Today they were hard at work stringing cables.

Workers up on the new power poles.
The powerline runs off towards the 100 inch.

Laird and Katie are on their way. They’ve made it as far as DFW.

Big news: Laird has an iphone! After the 7+ years that I’ve known him, he finally has a cell phone. He checks it about every 30 seconds, so I don’t know how he survived without it.

Been fairly cloudy since I got here. Nothing to close the dome over, but not much fun for the M2FS and Fire users.

Been crappy weather the last 48 hours or so.

Since yesterday’s song was about Kentucky, with a Bourbon county connection, tonight’s song is about — what else — Bourbon.

2015B Day -1: Back On The Hill

We’re back.

A familiar view

Actually I’ve been back since yesterday, but after a long stressful trip with lots of delays and lost luggage I didn’t get around to a post yesterday.

Our stuff is right where we left it.

All of our stuff turned on and is working great. I did find a failed hard disk, but the RAID is already synched. Our new data storage computer survived shipping too, and booted right up.

It’s the one in the middle with the most lights.

LAN decided that I could wait a day for my luggage. They fixed it quick though, and thanks to the El Pino crew it came today by dinner.

Look at the extra “rush” tags.

There are new observer cars. They only have 2 pedals. At least they didn’t color coordinate the license plates.

City kids.

Look at these morons:

We meet again.
It’s like I never left.

I thought that an advance trip by El Jefe, complete with blog posts complaining about the internet, would have squared things away. But alas, connections seem to be spotty.

Now on to the real business. It was Katie’s turn to set the song of the day rules, and this should be fun.. It seems I need to start us on what promises to be an epic journey.

On August 3, 1809, my Great^5 grandfather Enoch Males married Nancy Thomas in Bourbon County, Kentucky. They then promptly lit a shuck for Indiana. I’ve been watching a lot of the show “Justified” lately — if you’re familiar, Bourbon isn’t quite as “in the hills” as Harlan. Just the same, judging by this song I’m glad Enoch and Nancy didn’t stick around.

For old time’s sake, here’s another version to listen to while you ponder the hidden messages about the MagAO life.