2015A Day 3: Boom Clap Clio

Ah Las Campanas The Bells. And here are the Belles of Las Campanas:

The Belles of Las Campanas, today. 🙂 Gwen Rudie, Jackie Faherty, Johanna Teske, Katie Morzinski

Our friends Jackie Faherty and Johanna Teske are observing on Clay tonight. We got to give them some various tours and they documented it on Twitter — follow the links of their names for their MagAO Tweets!

Long successful day. We finished all the Clio things. Thanks to all our support on email and Skype! Tomorrow we button Clio up and pump it down. Today involved a lot of good hard work by Laird, Jared, Manny, Juan, me… We inserted the new Brackett Gamma filter, removed some thermal mass from various parts of Clio, fit the APPs in, and documented lots of things. Here we go!

The filter wheels — we inserted the Br Gamma filter through the port (left), and put the blank in the open side in the wheel on the right.
The new vector-apodizing phase plates (right) in the pupil wheel (left).

My animal sighting was a pack of mules, at lunchtime and after supper:

A herd of burros! They don’t seem to like the car, or the cell phone camera.
I see you!
Our first blogged full sunset of 2015A!

And this song…

…so we can hear the cover: