The MagAO project once lived in Florence, Italy, for almost a year. It’s where we first got it all working and got to know our Italian teammates. We’re back, this time for the AO4ELT3 (Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes 3) conference.

We includes Laird, Phil, Katie, and Jared from Arizona, Derek from Heidelberg, Simone, Armando, Alfio, Enrico, Runa, Marco, Lorenzo, Fernando, Luca, and Paolo from Arcetri. You can also find MagAO friends such as Roberto Biasi from Microgate and Doug Miller and Olivier Guyon from Arizona.
If you are in Florence with us, come see our poster and get your MagAO sticker. We’re only giving them out to readers of the blog! The password is “Vizzy.”

Here are a few views from around Firenze: