MagAO-eXtreme Posts

  • Meet the new blog, same as the old blog


    Joseph Long

    To simplify maintenance, we’re making the MagAO-X blog a continuation of the MagAO blog. Going forward, we will be doing our project updates here on I did my best to migrate things without breaking references to our previous nine years (!) of posts. However, if you notice any broken links to, do let ...
  • MagAO-X gets sporty


    Joseph Long

    As originally reported on the Steward Observatory website, and archived here for posterity: On Jan 17, NBA Hall of Famer, one of “50 Greatest Players in NBA History,” and iconic Deadhead Bill Walton came to town to be the color commentator for the UA-Oregon men’s basketball game. Whenever Walton is a commentator ESPN has a 2-minute ...
  • Congratulations to Dr. Miller, MagAO-X’s newly minted PhD!


    Jhen Lumbres

    Congratulations to Dr. Miller, MagAO-X's newly minted PhD!
    This is a late post, but on November 16, 2018, Kelsey Miller successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation! Congratulations, Dr. Miller! Kelsey’s research is on Linear Dark Field Control (LDFC), a focal plane wavefront sensing technique where she monitors the bright field speckles and uses their linear nature to maintain stability in the dark hole. She has ...
  • Taking delivery of the MagAO-X vAPP coronagraph


    Joseph Long

    Taking delivery of the MagAO-X vAPP coronagraph
    On September 17, 2018, we got our first look at the MagAO-X vAPP (that’s “vector apodizing phase plate”) coronagraph optic. Kelsey Miller had been working with the phase pattern for a long time, but there’s something special about holding it with your own hands. Or, at any rate, watching the P.I. hold it with his ...
  • MagAO-X @ SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2018


    Jhen Lumbres

    MagAO-X @ SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2018
    This past week, the MagAO-X team attended the SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation conference in Austin, TX. Here’s a recap of all of our presentations at the conference. Let’s start off with the talks. Jared kicked off our presentation collection with a talk on the MagAO-X update: Laird gave an update on MagAO: Kelsey gave a fantastic talk ...