MagAO-eXtreme Posts

  • MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day 3: Lonely Walls, I’ll Keep You Company


    Kyle Van Gorkom

    MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day 3: Lonely Walls, I’ll Keep You Company
    It’s the first Saturday since the stay-at-home orders were announced, and I’m unwinding this weekend by, well, staying at home. Unlike most of the MagAO-X team, I’m sheltering not in Tucson but instead in my occasional residence in a corner of DC (where stay-at-home orders went into effect just a few hours after AZ). Fortunately, ...
  • MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day 2: The city looks pretty when you’ve been indoors


    Joseph Long

    MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day 2: The city looks pretty when you've been indoors
    Greetings from the home office! I’ve always been a fan of using my laptop to run my computations on other computers in the lab or data center, so you’d think this MagAO-X Stay At Home run would be mean standard operations for me. Unfortunately, while I’m rarely at my desk in my office, I’m ...
  • MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day 1: New life for MagAO-X, Earth and Space.


    Sebastiaan Haffert

    MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day 1: New life for MagAO-X, Earth and Space.
    Let’s continue in the spirit of the blog post of yesterday with the introduction of another new member of the MagAO-X team. Last fall I finished my PhD at Leiden University in the Netherlands and I was lucky enough to get a fellowship to work at the University of Arizona. Now I do have to ...
  • MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day 0: New office who dis? + reflections on a Star Trek theme


    Logan Pearce

    MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day 0: New office who dis? + reflections on a Star Trek theme
    Greetings blog world. You haven’t heard from me yet, because this is my first post here on the XWCL blog! First let me introduce myself. I joined the group last fall as a new 1st year graduate student at Steward Observatory at Univ of Arizona in Tucson. I came from the ...
  • MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day -1: The Run That Never Was & A Study In Jolene


    Jared Males

    MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day -1: The Run That Never Was & A Study In Jolene
    Since most of the MagAO-X team resides in Tucson, home of the University of Arizona and Steward Observatory, we are about to come under a stay-at-home policy starting tomorrow, 3/31, at 5 pm MST. This removes all doubt: there will be no MagAO-X run in 2020A. We are on the telescope schedule for ...
  • MagAO-X 2020A: New Year New Me


    Alex Hedglen

    MagAO-X 2020A: New Year New Me
    Happy new year from MagAO-X! The instrument is back in the lab, and today we opened the panels for the first time to find that no optics have been damaged! “Another happy landing,” as Obi-Wan would say. On January 10, MagAO-X arrived at the University of Arizona. Southwest Rigging used the forklift to bring the ...
  • MagAO-X 2019B Day 13: It Works!


    Jared Males

    MagAO-X 2019B Day 13: It Works!
    Well that was exciting. The last three of us are on our way back to Tucson. We love being at LCO, but after spending most of two months there it’s a great feeling to be going home. In case you missed it, MagAO-X works! We can close the loop on sky with real starlight propagating ...
  • MagAO-X 2019B Day 12: The End


    Alex Hedglen

    MagAO-X 2019B Day 12: The End
    Well it has been a long, exciting, and successful run for MagAO-X first light, but now it is time to say goodbye to LCO (until next time). We successfully closed the loop on-sky with MagAO-X and took plenty of data to take home with us, and now we are all packed and ready to ship ...
  • MagAO-X 2019B Day 11: Packing Up


    Alex Hedglen

    MagAO-X 2019B Day 11: Packing Up
    Yesterday, after our last night on-sky, we began moving the instrument off of the telescope to get it ready to ship back home to Tucson. This also meant that we had to shift back to a day schedule, so Laird and I woke up from a short nap to begin the move at 8:00 am ...
  • MagAO-X 2019B Day 10: The Blog Must Go On


    Joseph Long

    MagAO-X 2019B Day 10: The Blog Must Go On
    Last night was our fourth on-sky night. It also ran right in to our instrument removal/moving day. So, we went from taking a nice long dataset of beta Pictoris directly into taking off cables and connectors for our electronics. I’m still awake, despite feeling like someone dropped a truck on me, so I might as ...