This Sunday, we celebrate the triumphant return of the penguin seeker, Dr. Joseph Long, along with his bonus blog detailing his short weekend journey. On top of the cute penguin pictures, Joseph brought back lots of local chilean snacks that he sourced in supermarkets during his trip.
As always, before the sunset viewing session, a few of us went out for a vizzy spotting session. We only spotted a little baby vizzy and we were unable to find the parents. I suspect that we have been coming to this spotting location too often and have scared some of them away. As requested by a follower of Jay, we recreated the famous “crawling Jay, searching for vizzy” moment.
A baby vizzy 🙂A JayBringing dad energy to vizzy spotting (picture by E. McEwen)
Roger, our T.O. for this turno, marched towards the dome with another basket full of empanadas in the glow of the setting sun as we gathered outside the control room for another sunset viewing. Although not captured by a phone, we were fortunate enough to witness another green flash on a Sunday this run. “Do you get deja vu” feeling that I am getting?
Shot of Roger doing his curl workout by E. McEwen.
Tonight on the observation schedule, we have Sebastiaan and Alycia. Some errors popped on CACAO, but were “successfully ignored” and we went to observe giant stars with low resolution mode on VIS-X and regular imaging mode on MagAO-X.
As the time for midnight lunch approaches, Joseph cracked opened some of the snack that have arrived on the mountain today. Katie, our resident Canadian snack tester, had particularly strong feelings about the ketchup flavored cheetos. As a big fan of the Canadian ketchup chips myself, I would have to agree with Katie on this one. Unfortunately, I have another disappointing news to deliver: the empanadas today contained 300% more olives than previous Sunday.
Katie expressing her feelings with her facial features. Chop up this disappointing olive empanda, Johnson!
With the successful engineering blocks in the past few days, Sebastiaan implemented partial EFC on sky for Alycia and Jay’s debris disk observations, which dug a dark hole for seeing fainter objects like disks.
“Three Magellans” by Alycia
Song of the Day
Per the 24B blog rules, the song I have chosen for the day is “déjà vu.” We are constantly doing new. and exciting science on the mountain, so I “think everything is special”.
With our third car stolen by an unknown observer/animal on the mountain/crew a few days ago, the uber arrangement for our 9 people crew has been a bit tricky. Two brave and kind souls volunteered themselves for a hike up to the telescope, Eden and Katie. They were soon rewarded with spotting of the cutest clean room vizzy on this run (thus far).
What a good clean room vizzy! Look at those bunny like ears!(pc: Katie)
Before the dome opening, the crew added the 24B sticker onto the instrument. (Yeah, we are a lil’ late this run).
The sunset viewing session proceeded after the “ensticken” ceremony. Parker’s head acted as the coronagraph for the group photo. Please try to call him by his new middle name, “The Vortex”, from now on. The long anticipated green flash was finally captured by human eyes. On video, which was taken by our one and only Professor Close, the flash doesn’t seem to be so green.
“The Vortex” JohnsonFor the “best part of this video”, watch till the end!
Along with our T.O.’s arrival, a basket full of empanadas entered the kitchen. Whether if the cheese empanadas were deep fried this time around remains a mystery, but they were a lot less greasy, which made it a lot more enjoyable for the meat and non-meat eaters.
Another Sunday and another basket full of empanadas (pc Jaylycious)
On the science end, the first half of the night was VIS-X time, and Sebastiaan observed quite a few targets in high resolution mode during this time. These data will probably be reduced by one of his current or future grad students, so look out for more MagAO-X papers? The good seeing persisted through the second half of the night, which was an joint collaboration between Jensen (graduate student from MIT) , Gabrielle, and us. We spent the rest of the night observing a protoplantary disk in Halpha.
Beautiful picture of the MW and Baade along with the LMC.
Song of the Day
Since we are now in South America, I have been trying to listen to more music from this continent, particularly pieces by Astor Piazzolla. Per the 24B blog rules, I must include two sentences from the song in the blog post. So here are the lyrics that I like the most:
“Y canto un tango que nadie jamás cantó y sueño un sueño que nadie jamás soñó, porque el mañana es hoy con el ayer después, che!”
As a non-Spanish speaker, I won’t attempt to translate for you. I would suggest a google search instead.
Around sunset, two of our finest graduate student AO operators took time lapses of the dome opening. Jay covered the inside of the dome, providing us with a view of the primary mirror cover opening. Eden on the other hand, set her phone on the tripod outside the dome and managed to get a video of the telescope turning, louvers opening, and also DIMM opening. If you spotted the abnormal blockage of the telescope view in the beginning of the video, you have witnessed the little bird that delivered a surprised gift for Eden – its guano. Thank you for your sacrifice, Eden’s phone.
Little bird also enjoying the sunset… and we mourn the lost of the cleanliness of Eden’s phone.
And of course, the blog doesn’t quite feel complete without photos of viscachas.
vizzy 1vizzy 2
The night started off with 3 hours of engineering lead by Sebastiaan and Jared, and there are no photo evidence of such event because a majority of us were too amused by the newest entertainment channel at Clay: the window into the supporting astronomer room. As the engineering block ends, the telescope is then handed over to the observers of the night, Logan and Jay. The seeing conditions were non-ideal, but they are still hopeful of their data.
Logan and Jay sharing their work and experiences on an outreach program remotely with Steward grad student.
The rest of us spent the night reducing some of the data we have obtained from the past few nights. We are all excited about the science yield in disk and substellar companion imaging. So keep your eye out for our papers on astro-ph and/or ADS!
Jared sharing his reduction of disk observations. Laird sharing his reduction and results on a super secret project. Logan and Sebastiaan overjoyed with their discovery of the Xoomies 1B!
And I am bring back a segment of the blog that I enjoy every much: quotes of the day! Enjoy the selected anonymous quotes.
“Oh, its so good to have Maggie back”
“Sebastiaan likes his cars like he likes his AO loop closing: operated at unsafe speeds”
“No. It’s not yellow. It’s just a golden hour butt.”
Song of the Day
For the song of the day, I, with the assistance of Eden, have selected a song that well fits with the weather of the night: wispy clouds.
Clay and the moon, aka the massless particle in a RTBP, at sunset.
It’s the first double digit day of the 2024Aa run! As the master scheduler, tonight’s time is finely chopped up into four different blocks. Let’s hear what the MagAO-X scientists are doing for the night, and maybe ask them some fun questions. Ok, maybe they are just questions randomly popped into the minds of the deliriously tired interviewer and scientists.
Before we go to the main event, here are some animal spotting! Can you spot the 4 different viscachas and the guanaco?
iEFC on Sky Commission with Josh Liberman
What is iEFC and why is it so important?
Josh: iEFC is implicit electric field conjugation, a technique for removing quasi-static speckle and it allows us to reach higher contrast.
How did commissioning go?
Josh: We drove up at 3pm and performed calibrations. Everything went well, and we opted to skip dinner to finish calibration before sunset. The telescope dome opened after sunset viewing. When we returned to the control room, MagAO-X was in a state of extreme distress: the DM got really angry and the system was misaligned. Everything that could go wrong went wrong.
What were the immediate thoughts that went through your head when the system misaligned after dome opening?
Sebastiaan: God Damn it!
Josh recreating the recreaction of SebastiaanSebastiaan recreation of himself
If you can befriend a fictional character who would it be?
Josh: Flat Stanley, he just gives off good vibes you know?
What is an insignificant petty gripe that makes you extremely angry?
Josh: When someone replies all to a group email.
YSES Survey Follow Up Observations with Sebatiaan Haffert
What is the YSES Survey and what observations are you doing?
Sebastiaan: YSES stands for the young suns exoplanet survey. I am doing a follow up of systems with confirmed companion. So far, 2/3 of my targets are successful.
Look at this binary!
How is it like being both an engineer and an observer?
Sebastiaan: I am not an engineer.
Logan: But you built an instrument!
On a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is the most tired, please rate how tired you are after working from 3pm to 6am?
Sebastiaan: A three, it kind of feels like dinner time.
Flying or invisibility?
Sebastiaan: How important is invisibility if you have to be naked?
If you were to be a traffic sign, what would it be?
Sebastiaan: The “Watch Out” sign with the deer on it.
If you could make an office rule that everyone had to follow for a day, what would it be?
Sebastiaan: Everyone should walk backwards
What is an insignificant petty gripe that makes you extremely angry?
Sebastiaan: When the toilet paper roll is put in backwards!
Pup Search Observations with Logan Pearce
What is the backstory of the name of the survey?
Logan: the first White Dwarf-Main Sequence binary ever “made” was Sirius A and B. Sirius A, the main sequence star was known as the dog star. So Sirius B, the smaller companion was nicked name the pup. Now I am looking for more pups!
Logan and her new discovered pup!
Pup Search and Xoomies (Logan’s project on fetching companions to accelerating stars in Scorpius Centaurus Star Forming Region with MagAO-X) are all related to dogs, will your next project named similarly?
Logan: Man, it takes so much time to come up with names. We (Sebastiaan and I) spent all of the astrobiology conference coming up with the Xoomies names.
Sebastiaan: Mine will be about a stroop waffle. I don’t know what it will be about, but I already have the logo made.
Flying or invisibility?
Logan: Hands down flying! I don’t get those who chooses invisibility…
If you were to be a traffic sign, what would it be?
Logan: Parking signs with a bunch of confusing texts.
What is an insignificant petty gripe that makes you extremely angry?
Logan: Double doors with one side locked. WHY DON’T THEY UNLOCK BOTH DOORS?????
Debris Disk Imaging with Jaylycia Kuenberger
What kind of objects are you observing tonight and what are you trying to get out of your observations?
Jaylycia: I am observing circumstellar disks, which are rings of dusty materials encircling its host star. I look at disks at all stages of extrasolar system formation. But this particular target tonight is a debris disk and I am just trying to get an image of the disk to characterize it.
Disks are generally thought to be difficult, what are your thought about that?
Jaylycia: Yes, they are more difficult than point sources, but they look cooler! They are very faint and they are easily removed during image processing, by accident.
How does it feel to be an AO operator and an observer at the same time?
Jaylycia: I don’t.
Who came up with your new name?
Jaylycia: Maggie-OX did. It’s the best thing that’s happened to me.
If you were to be a traffic sign, what would it be?
Jaylycia: NO PARKING! I DoN’T KnOw!
As a former pastry chef, which dessert do you think best describes you?
Jaylycia: A hefty cream puff with vanilla custard filling.
Song of the Day
Hmmm… What would be a more fitting music than the BBC News Intro music for an interview?
Well, thanks for tuning into the special program of today!
Both the non-Ph.D.ed KLIPers convened at O’Hare and ready to create a catalog of non-binary stars for the next MagAO-X run, we enjoyed the mild (relative to Tucson) sunshine on the Northwestern Campus. We spotted a nice garden with some cool spiders and Northwestern viscacha enjoying its nutritious meal.
Ready to explore the campus while it’s sunny!Photo of Jay taking a photoWeird looking viscacha
We visited the old astronomy building on Northwestern Campus, which is also the site for the Dearborn Observatory completed in 1888. The 18.5″ refractor inside the dome as well as the entire building was closed to visitors during our visit on Sunday.
According to Wikipedia, this telescope was used to discover Sirius B!
In addition to the OG KLIPers or KLIPistas of MagAO-X, Gemma Gonzalez-Tora from ESO joined the team. We have made a decent amount of progress on making a code to find single stars within a given coordinate. Stay tuned for Jay’s post later this week to see our final product!
Cheers to our amazing team and congrats to Gemma on obtaining her Ph.D.!
We also spotted the third MagAO-X team member on Zoom! Hello Eden!
Oh yes, the title can very deceiving, but the rest of the post contains only Jialin’s review of the Chicago/Evanston food. Chicago deep dish is of course a must try for first timers. Jay and I stopped by the famous Labriola on our half-day off for a 12 inch Danny’s Special Deep Dish Pizza, which contained Russo Sausage, mushrooms, green pepper, and onion in addition to lots of mozzarella cheese and tomato sauce. (And half the pie is about to head back to Tucson!)
Look at that cheese pull! Thanks Jay for insisting on trying this place!
The Chicago Style hot dog is on par with the Sonora Dog, with fresh tomato and a good thick slice of dill pickle!
Portillo’s Chicago Style Hot Dog: Beware of the hidden picked peppers, they can really burn!
If you can’t wait until SPIE 2024 in Japan to try the famous Omurice or Japanese omelette rice, you can find a pretty good substitute in downtown Chicago. (Don’t bother getting the ramen, you can find better ones in Tucson, shhhhhh….)
We ordered the curry sauce instead of the more traditional option.
And I won’t be myself if I don’t recommend a good boba or bubble tea place.
Yes, this is indeed the third boba I’ve had since arriving and there will be more…
Song of the Day(s):
I wanted to catch a musical in Chicago Broadway during my time here, but unfortunately, July is the month of nothingness. Thus, I feel inclined to share one of the most famous numbers from the musical Chicago!