2017A Day 1: Ready

MagAO is all ready to go on the telescope. ASM is in the dome, NAS is packed up, and Clio is cold (enough). Here are a couple of standard day before pics.

Laird and Ya-Lin worked on the NAS today.
Katie stuffed liquid nitrogen into Clio all day.

A new feature at LCO is a crosswalk at the occasionally busy saddle intersection. Such things usually occur for a reason. I suspect that Alycia was involved . . .

Katie tests the new crosswalk.

We had our first Gary Galileo Guanaco visit of the run.


And we watched a nice sunset.

One last MagAO-less sunset.

I recommend playing the song of the day on the loudest sound system you have access too.

2017A Day -1: Blogging Begins

Well, here we go. Laird, Katie, Jared, and Ya-Lin are on our way to LCO. We’ve already not seen our first green flash.

Sunset from Terminal D.

I’m a bit worried though. We’re not even a day into the run and Laird is already exhausted.

Laird didn’t even make it to Dallas before passing out.

So we’re bringing back the old “Telephone Game” rules. As usual, every day must have at least one post, each post-of-the-day must use the 2017A Day X: [title] format, and each of these must include a song of the day. During 2017A each song of the day must be related to the day before’s song. We leave it up to our carefully vetted team of bloggers to decide whether they explicitly state the relationship. There are no other rules (we call this the Hernán rule).

2016B Day 20: No WiFi

I don’t have wifi in my room tonight.

We’re all done, leaving tomorrow.

Song of the day:

Dee-ner Dee-ner Dee-ner Dee-ner,
Dee-ner Dee-ner Dee-ner Dee-ner,
Dee-ner Dee-ner Dee-ner Dee-ner,
Dee-ner Dee Dee Dee.

(the rules say nothing about what form the song must take)

2016B Day 18: Last Night

Well that sucked. We ended our run with a crap night, high winds, higher seeing, and jumping actuators. MagAO comes off in the morning, so that’s it.

Katie puts Clio to bed.
Fellow Sagan Fellows enjoy a MagAO sunset.
Laird took these pics as we enjoyed our first 2000 times-a-second MagAO images.
Did you know Vizcachas use stairs? Wtf.
I saw this little ass just outside my window today.

The burros made me think of this.

2016B Day 14: Day 303

This is my 303rd day spent at LCO. Most of our crew of AOistas have left, it’s down to just Laird, Alfio, Katie, and Jared, with the addition of Kate who joined us tonight.

The remaining AOistas
Laird and Gary
Hop Viz Hop!