Today was somewhat eventful. There was some more guider housekeeping, and some work on VisAO software, and a few other odds and ends. We also saw a rare member of the LCO zoo today at lunch.
It's time to start the process of cooling Clio down. The first step is to pump it down, and that got started this morning.The primary didn't get washed today after all. The sink had to be cleaned first, to get some residual oil off. Here's Tyson going to work on it.Instead of washing the primary, the telescope itself got a thorough cleaning.The inside of the aluminization chamber. This contraption vaporizes aluminum to recoat the mirror.Though the primary didn't get washed, other mirrors did.
A family of Guanacos came by the aux building today. There were a couple of little ones trotting along with the herd.
Tyson scared them away.Here are the little ones.
The big news of the day is that I finally saw Zorro. A fox ran by the lodge during lunch and caused quite a commotion.
This is the North end of a South bound Zorrito. Once it realized it was being watched it took off - but not too fast.I of course only had my cell phone camera, so I didn't get very good close ups.The fox blends in with the countryside really well. No wonder I haven't seen one before today.From the backside.Tonights sunset is indirect - that's the Horace Babcock lodge catching the last rays of today.
The Clay telescope’s 6.5m primary mirror is getting a bath tomorrow. So today it was lowered out of the telescope, and moved into the aux. building. Not something you see everyday.
The 6.5m honeycomb mirror, inside its cell (the white cylinder), after being lowered onto its cart.The surface of the mirror. This picture is normally almost impossible to take.Here the mirror is making the journey into the aux.
Alan and Tyson did some guider housekeeping today, covering up some pesky LEDs. I turned the W-Unit on and made sure everything still works. No problems!
Vizzy definitely knows when he/she gets noticed and is having a picture taken. Waiting for the sunset.The view off the back of the mountain, right at sunset. It was cloudy all day, but it is clearing up tonight.Our nightly sunset.
The “advance team” arrived at LCO today to begin preparations for MagAO commissioning run #2. Alan, Tyson, and Jared made the long overnight journey from the USA, accompanied by Povilas and Mark Phillips who were returning from the Magellan SAC meeting.
Tyson getting recharged in Santiago. The first part of the road has been freshly paved. The rest of the way is . . . still bumpy.
After a delicious LCO supper I went up and looked everything over. Here are some of the important things I checked:
Vizzy watched the sunset with me.Our frisbee was still in its hiding spot. Need a few more players though.Our various caches of gear are still in place.
And of course, I took a stroll around the mountain to see how things are without us.
Andrew Carnegie, ladies and gentlemen.Posted without comment.To decrease plastic water bottle waste, you now get one of these nice Al bottles when you show up, and there are filling stations everywhere.No MagAO @ LCO post is complete without a sunset from the catwalk.I don't see the comet.That's moonlight on Baade. That's Betelgeuse above and left of Clay.
Hi MagAO fans, it’s been a while since we’ve updated our blog. After we recovered from our month on the mountain, and got through Christmas, New Years, and the start of the new school year, the team has jumped into processing all the fantastic data we got from MagAO, Clio, and VisAO.
In one month, we’ll be back at LCO doing our thing. It’s a little shorter run this time, but still more than three weeks.
While you wait for us to get back to work, you can get your cutting edge high-res/high-contrast science fix at the LBTI blog. There you can see how MagAO teammates Phil Hinz, Vanessa Bailey and Andy Skemer are doing at Mt. Graham in Arizona.
We’re off the mountain! Laird, Katie, Jared and TJ finished putting MagAO to bed yesterday, and made the journey down to La Serena. We spent one night there, and with Laird’s folks took some time off to celebrate.
We stayed in the beach town Coquimbo, right next to La Serena.After a relaxing day of snoozing, exercising, and enjoying the beach, we headed out on the town.After a wonderful dinner, Laird asked if anyone had extra sugar packets for his te'. The entire table contributed.The official MagAO hotel in Coquimbo is the Casino Enjoy, which is right on the beach. None of us are big gamblers (Tyson left a week ago), but we did visit the floor to see what was going on. Here Katie poses next to a patriotic slot machine.After a good party and a long sleep, we went into La Serena and played at tourist. Here we're waiting for Laird's dad Nick to park the car.We hit La Recova, a place to buy local wares. Lots of Christmas shopping was accomplished.The Plaza de Armas of La Serena.We are on our way home now. We've made it as far as the admiral's club in Santiago. TJ and I are looking a little fried here - been a long trip.
Katie Morzinski, Sagan Fellow, passed out in Santiago. The PI catches some z in the Santiago admiral's club. Might as well start catching up early.
We have a long overnight flight to Dallas ahead of us, but we’re almost home.
Some quotes from the last couple of days:
“Can you guys stop talking?” – Katie (to Laird and Jared)
“I gotta admit, I like strawberry margaritas…yes, I want a margarita, but do you have strawberry? Damn. Ok, just give me the fruit.” – Laird
“We all have these subtle emotional IQs, and because we’re astronomers we’re all a little screwed up.” – Laird
“Laird is a bright boy.” – Jared, quoting Tibor, a friend of Laird’s dad and occasional MagAO fellow traveler.
“LCO is a great place, if you’re into guys, right Katie?” – Laird
“What are you doing in my room?!?! I’m El Presidante!” – Laird (the maids at Casino Enjoy can be . . . persistent)
“Between scotch and fruit cups there are many layers. And one of them is raspberry mojito.” – Katie
“It’s ok. I’m American.” – TJ, to a policewoman.
“Bear Down!” – random stranger, to TJ and his A jacket.