A functional MagAO-X model

As a thank you gift for Jared’s advising throughout my grad school experience, I wanted to give a knockout gift. Sebastiaan once offhandedly mentioned a useless box. Now, I LOVE useless boxes. When I was a teacher I stumbled across a useless box video which made me cackle; two years later my coworker gave me one as a christmas present on the staff work day before winter break. I showed it to everyone and wore the battery completely down that day. So what about a MagAO-X shaped useless box?

I’ll begin this post at the end with the final reveal. Behold, the MagAO-X useless box. Turn MagAO-X on and who is that turning it off?


Here is the original sketch from my notebook. Except for the location of the switch it came together mostly as originally planned.

I took inspiration for the vizz from this little tiger version. For the mechanism I used the one from a build-it-yourself useless box kit.

Sebastiaan helped me break into the lab (jk I know the code!) and measure everything so it can be perfectly to scale.

It is 1:10th scale.

Design for the legs:

And panels:


The box is made of wood panels and sticks you can get at any hobby store. I used a hobby knife the cut the panels and sticks, with lots of sanding to get them smooth. I didn’t get too many fabrication pics at this stage, which is a bummer. But once all the panels and pieces were glued I used wood filler to fill joints and places where the wood wasn’t flush. I bought a hand sander from Harbor Freight ($10! Bless Harbor Freight) and sanded everything smooth and flush.

I then glued on the wood panels and the little wood stick pieces around the top of what is supposed to look like the air table. The thinner panels tended to curl with the moisture from the wood glue so here I am using the glue to hold it down while drying.

One thing I wish I had pics of was that the DIY kit mechanism required me to buy a soldering iron and learn how to solder!

Because of the design of the DIY box kit, putting the switch on the front panels as originally planned didn’t work, because the gear box would have to positioned in such a way that the lid wouldn’t sit down all the way. So I improvised by cutting the lid and placing the switch so that it opened to the side. Here is the video of the first operational test of the mechanism.

You can’t see it here (but you can in later pics), but I put little hinges on the lid with the switch to enable opening it, and I used the hinges from the DIY kit for the side of the lid that needs to open. I also cut a door out of the back panel to enable changing the batteries.

I then set up a makeshift spray booth in my back yard. I removed the mechanism and gave it many coats of black, sanding in between to make the wood soft, and finished with a sealer.

Here is the assembled painted product. Notice the box of tiny gold hinges and the brand new soldering iron in the background!

Here is the mechanism from the DIY box kit. It’s mounted the bottom of the lid so that it rests down flat when not on, then pushes up the other side of the lid when turned on. There is a little reed switch behind the arm which opens the circuit, and a little wood protrusion from the back of the arm which depresses it. When the switch is flipped on, the current turns the motor to raise the arm up, the protrusion releases the reed switch. When the arm flips the switch, the current reverses and brings the arm back down until the protrusion depresses the reed switch again and breaks the circuit.

Here you can also see the battery door. I mounted the battery pack on the door so it’s easy to replace the batteries. I also put a fancy bead on the door as a fancy door handle, and a latch to hold the switch lid.

Next it was time for the details. I printed all the logos in secret using the office printer cause I don’t have a color printer. I painstakingly cut them out with an exacto knife trying to replicate the curves and white borders of the real stickers, then stuck them on with Mod Podge. At the time I was making this, the “Clean Top” sticker on MagAO-X was missing the e so I blacked it out with marker! (Now the whole thing is almost gone). I also glued little pieces of foil on the corners of the air table to mimic the corner bumpers, and cut circles out of gold craft foam for the eye piece port on the side.

Adding the stickers with a reference photo in the background:

For the panel clamps, I used beads. I found some large-ish black beads and small silver beads or close to the right size (I did measure them!) and glued them together, then glued them to the panels in the right place. This was a huge pain in the ass and I had to try a few different glues to find the one that made them actually stay stuck. I also used the small silver beads for the panel support screws.

For the handles I used a thick crafting wire, bent to the right size and shape, and covered it with electrical heat shrink tubing which shrinks to the size of the wire. I glued some black beads to the wire to help them stick to the panels.

Finally it was time for the vizz. I used brown and yellow fleece and sewed a little paw, which I stuffed a little bit and slid over the arm. I made toes by hand sewing little imprints with black thread. I had to make sure that the end of the arm still hit the switch, which involved moving the paw around a bit to find just the right spot. I then used fabric glue to glue the end of the fleece to the wood arm and used some yarn to tie it down for good measure.

The head took several tries. I got several rabbit patterns off etsy that had potentially suitable heads and tried to scale them to the correct size. It took several trial and errors on the best pattern and the right size. Once I had a suitable one I put little eyes and nose and whiskers, then made ears of just single pieces of fleece and hand sewed them on.

I put a little piece of velcro on the head and the bottom of the lid so that that head comes up when you activate the switch. I also attached a loosely stuffed fleece tube to the bottom of the head as a suggestion of a body.

Finally I sewed a little tail out of the brown fleece and glued a little strip of a darker brown fleece as the stripe down the tail. I glued and sewed the end shut and put a little piece of velcro on the top and under the hinge on the side of the box so it looked like a vizzy tail hanging out the side, but it won’t interfere with the hinge.

That’s it! All done. The MagAO-X Useless Box.

MagAO-X 2024Ab Day 14: What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up like puddles in a dome floor?
Or fester like astronomers on night schedules with nothing to do?
Does it stink like the Atacama desert in the rain?
Or crust and sugar over like flan in the LCO dining room fridge?
Maybe it just sags like Gabriele’s shoulders?
Or does it explode?

The rain has stopped and the clouds are gone but we are still closed. The humidity is still high, apparently high enough to keep the dome from drying. It’s still dripping, so the telescope cover is closed and MagAO-X is covered in plastic. It’s still Gabriele’s night so he’s struggling to hang on to hope.

But we can’t even go on the internal source to do some engineering, because the puddles have everything off.

MagAO-X wrapped up in plastic

Puddles on the Nasmyth

Laird is still decommissioning MagAO. He was up early enough to catch the remnants of the overnight snowstorm before it all melted an hour later:

Jared spent some time tonight dismantling his PhD project, the visible arm of MagAO, VisAO.

Eden sunset

Vizzy snuggles. Photo Credit: Laird

The best 15 mins of my day were when my friends made a birthday call. The only place I could find to go that wouldn’t disturb anyone and wasn’t icy wind was in the dome, which was all lit up cause of the water.

I know! It’s crazy, because my feet are so large, but i was never into swimming

Jared said VM to me again *cry face*

This spaghetti tastes so much better than glycol

“This isn’t a cheese focused story!
It’s merely cheese adjacent” *sad face*

It flagged every instance of ‘cloud’ as ‘butt’, but I couldn’t let it go to press that way…

The song of the day is for Gabriele:

MagAO-X 2024Ab Day 6: LCO above a sea of fog

Like that classic painting, LCO took on some majesty and wonder today as the valley filled with clouds to compliment the cloud-covered skies.

Which gave way to another great sunset

Which gave way to another set of sad astronomers. Jay was eager to hit his disk target right away, but clouds are opaque to dreams and starlight alike.

This run, since the nights are so long, we’ve broken them into shifts with shift turnover around 1am ish. It’s 1 am now and the first shift is done for the night, I’m going to bed. There are faint whispers of hope in the cloud trend, but I suspect it is futile. Trust not to hope, it has abandoned these lands.

The best 15 mins of my day I guess was sending the first draft of my dissertation (minus a chapter) to Jared. Oh and then I played Untitled Goose Game with Joseph for an hour.

The song of the day is Sad Songs by Elton John.

MagAO-X 2024Aa Day 20: A Day and a Halffert

Tonight was an oddball: we were off the telescope for another observer for the first half, then came up at 1:30 for the second half, which was solely Sebastiaan on VIS-X, our spectrograph. So we had half a Haffert night.

Various angles of Sebastiaan squinting at spectra

It also the last night of the run, so you know what that means: spending all day getting MagAO-X off the telescope and put away for the May run. Some of us slept for the first half of the night, including me. I went to bed after dinner and slept until 12:30am and it was glorious. At the end of night we will go up on the platform and de-cable the instrument. Then we head to bed and the morning crew, who went to bed around midnight or so, will get up and get ‘er off the platform with the LCO crew. We will join them again after lunch. Fortunately we don’t have to prepare for shipping this time and only have to button her down until May.

We ended up observing well into dawn so we got a late start on decable, the morning crew came up as we got started. Pics from decable crew:

And with that we retired to our room for a few hours while morning crew takes over.

And there is the 8am down-the-mountain transport picking up riders. That’ll be us tomorrow fam.

Anyway here is an assortment of pics for your viewing pleasure.

So milky. Credits to Sebastiaan (left) and Jialin (right)

Large and Small Magellenic (Milky?) Clouds, only visible from the southern hemisphere. Photo by Eden.

Keep a lookout for the upside-down Orion constellation to the left here. Proof the Earth is a sphere. Photo credit to Sebastiaan.

Eden got some incredible Carlos footage I felt wasn’t properly displayed here, so here’s some fox for you. (Not a true fox)

He is a look-don’t-touch friend.

Yesterday was April fools but on Day 19 we couldn’t get our act together to post something witty.

The day before was Easter Sunday. So here is a repost of the Easter Viz

The song of the day is Break It Down Again by Tears for Fears.

MagAO-X 2024Aa Day 12: Off the charts

If you’ve been around this blog a time or two you’ve probably heard our woes with respect to seeing — the measurement of just how twinkly the stars are. Twinkling is bad for science, and our instrument can’t operate well if the seeing is too high.

We started this run with some pretty good seeing! In fact, two nights ago was the first night for my program and the seeing was excellent! I was able to observe a lot of my targets and get great images. You might have seen that last night was less spectacular, and I’m sad to see tonight is no different.

Off the charts seeing
That’s 2.5 arcsec seeing, wind gusts of 35.

Before we closed for wind and more engineering, Jialin got to drive some and I took some maybe-useable data.

Driver’s ed

Some animals and nice shots from the day.

Some of Eden’s lovely telescope night shots

BUT WAIT! The night’s not over yet. Immediately after my time was up and I left the control room, seeing tanked just in time for Jay’s disk observations

The night ended strong with Jay riding out his target until sunrise.

Some of you may have clocked that I arrived a bit late to the mountain this time. Well here is the quick story time.

In May last year I had a foot surgery that through many ups and downs has still not fully healed today (that’s a story for another time). I haven’t been able to bear weight on my left foot since May, approximately 10 months of not using my foot. About three weeks ago I got the go ahead to start walking on it again, and I was slowly and carefully transitioning back to bearing weight. But even though I was mostly walking, I couldn’t walk long distances, so I decided to bring my knee scooter to get around the airports easily.

In Santiago customs I got selected for an extra security scan and as I was hauling my luggage around I lost balance and fell over the front of the scooter, which severely messed up my left first metatarsil bone (the main bone through your foot leading to each toe). I couldn’t put any weight even on my heel or move or touch or even put my croc shoe on my foot. So I decided to stay in La Serena and see a doctor to be sure it wasn’t broken. It wasn’t. But the long period of disuse makes it incredibly lucky that it wasn’t! I saw the dr again a few days later, then headed up on Thursday.

I’m doing a lot better now! Still not walking, I’ve got crutches now to get around the site. But definitely better. At this trajectory I might be able to walk some by the time we leave.

So that’s the story!

The song of the day is The Calamity Song by The Decemberists