Disks of gas and dust around newly born stars, dubbed protoplanetary disks (proplyds), are believed to evolve into planetary systems. Understanding how these disks are affected by strong light/wind from nearby massive stars is crucial to theories of planet formation and evolution. We used MagAO to image the binary proplyd (called LV 1) in the Orion Nebula (M42) at the 653nm hydrogen emission line (H alpha) during the first commissioning run. The spatial resolution is comparable to that of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), demonstrating the power of AO in visible wavelengths. Our H alpha image clearly shows that the gas of the binary is heavily distorted into “teardrop” shape due to strong UV light and wind from a nearby star, Theta 1 Ori C (See image below). The lack of orbital motion over ~18 years between the stars further suggests that they are of low masses, plausibly a double brown dwarf (the so-called “failed star” since it is not massive enough to initiate hydrogen fusion). This makes LV 1 a rare example of a low mass pair of young disks. Finally, we show that the macroscopic features of these disks may help infer the embedded magnetic field intensity and profile.
The binary proplyd “LV-1” in the Orion Trapezium cluster, imaged with MagAO’s VisAO camera.
For more on LV 1 see:
Wu, Y. L., et al. “High Resolution H alpha Images of the Binary Low-mass Proplyd LV 1 with the Magellan AO System”. ApJ, 775, 45, 2013preprint [pdf]arxiv preprint
Abstract: We utilize the new Magellan adaptive optics system (MagAO) to image the binary proplyd LV 1 in the Orion Trapezium at H alpha. This is among the first AO results in visible wavelengths. The H alpha image clearly shows the ionization fronts, the interproplyd shell, and the cometary tails. Our astrometric measurements find no significant relative motion between components over ~18 yr, implying that LV 1 is a low-mass system. We also analyze Large Binocular Telescope AO observations, and find a point source which may be the embedded protostar’s photosphere in the continuum. Converting the H magnitudes to mass, we show that the LV 1 binary may consist of one very-low-mass star with a likely brown dwarf secondary, or even plausibly a double brown dwarf. Finally, the magnetopause of the minor proplyd is estimated to have a radius of 110 AU, consistent with the location of the bow shock seen in H alpha.
The flat pancake-like disks of gas and dust that surround young stars (so-called “circumstellar disks”) are of interest to astronomers because we believe that planets are made from their material. In the 1990s, the Hubble Space Telescope completed groundbreaking observations of the Great Orion Nebula at a red wavelength of light termed “Hydrogen-alpha” (the brightest light emitted by glowing hydrogen gas), revealing a number of circumstellar disks seen in silhouette against the bright background nebula. At the time, these observations provided the most conclusive direct evidence of the existence of circumstellar disks around young stars, and providing some of the first measurements of their size and geometry.
These “silhouette disks” occur because the stars that host them lie between Earth and the glowing hydrogen gas of the nebula. The light from the nebula passes through the disk on its way to Earth and some of it is absorbed by the material in the disk so that less total light reaches us from the regions of the nebula that lie behind it. In other words, the disk casts a shadow that we see as a dark patch amid the glowing gas of the nebula.
The amount of light blocked varies depending on how much material lies in the disk. More specifically, the densest regions of the disk will absorb most or even all of the background light, while thinner regions will absorb less. Imagine a butterfly flying in front of a spotlight. While its body will block enough light to make it opaque, it’s wings will be partially translucent – blocking some, but not all, of the background light. The thicker the wings, the more light they will block. Analogously, the amount of nebular light passing through each point in a silhouette disk is a direct measurement of the thickness (amount of material) in the disk at that point.
Until now, these disks have not been observed in silhouette from the ground. Although the theoretical resolution limit of a large ground-based telescope is higher than that of the small Hubble Space Telescope, the earth’s atmosphere makes it difficult to make images at the theoretical resolution limit of the telescope. This conundrum was the impetus for the development of adaptive optics (AO) technology, which corrects for the blurring effect of the atmosphere.
However, most modern AO systems operate at infrared wavelengths because the Earth’s atmosphere is a little better behaved (more “coherent”) there. It is only with the advent of next generation AO systems like Magellan AO that we are able to correct atmospheric turbulence at the level needed to achieve AO correction in visible light. Since nebulae like Orion emit most of their light in the visible, it wasn’t possible to image these disks in silhouette from the ground until now.
The MagAO system gives us several advantages over HST, the primary being that we are able to take images where the starlight is concentrated in just a small number of pixels (the star is “unsaturated”, so to speak). This allows us to probe the silhouette disks much farther inward than was possible with HST.
We observed the silhouette disk called Orion 218-354 during our December 2012 commissioning run. We were able to probe the amount of light blocked by the large disk all the way from its outer regions at a radius of ~500AU inward to just ~20AU (about the orbit of Uranus in our solar system). Surprisingly, we found that the amount of background light from the nebula that made it through the disk decreased slowly towards the star, and never reached an opaque point. This was unexpected because previous observations of the disk suggested that there was probably more material in the disk, and that it should reach an opaque point very quickly.
There are several possible explanations for why there is so little material in this disk, but one of the more interesting and plausible explanations is that the small dust grains that block Hydrogen-alpha emission from the nebula most effectively have been depleted. Although we believe disks are born with mostly small grains, as they age these grains may collide and coagulate, forming larger and larger grains and eventually pebbles, boulders and planets. The small amount of material that we found in this disk may indicate that this process (called “grain growth”) is well underway in the Orion 218-354 disk.
A MagAO image of Orion 218-354 silhouette after removal of light from the central star. The left-hand image shows the silhouette (shadow) of the disk against the bright background hydrogen alpha emission of the Orion nebula. The right-hand image is the same, but with contours denoting levels of increasing attenuation of the background nebular light toward the central star. The percentages denote the amount of nebular light passing through the disk. The degree of attenuation probes the amount of dust in the disk at each location. Photo credit Kate Follette, University of Arizona.
For more on Orion 218-354 see:
Follette, K. B., et al. “The First Circumstellar Disk Imaged in Silhouette at Visible Wavelengths with Adaptive Optics : MagAO Imaging of Orion 218-534”. ApJ, 775, L13, 2013preprint [pdf]arxiv preprint
Abstract: We present high resolution adaptive optics (AO) corrected images of the silhouette disk Orion 218-354 taken with Magellan AO (MagAO) and its visible light camera, VisAO, in simultaneous differential imaging (SDI) mode at H-alpha. This is the first image of a circumstellar disk seen in silhouette with adaptive optics and is among the first visible light adaptive optics results in the literature. We derive the disk extent, geometry, intensity and extinction profiles and find, in contrast with previous work, that the disk is likely optically-thin at H-alpha. Our data provide an estimate of the column density in primitive, ISM-like grains as a function of radius in the disk. We estimate that only ~10% of the total sub-mm derived disk mass lies in primitive, unprocessed grains. We use our data, Monte Carlo radiative transfer modeling and previous results from the literature to make the first self-consistent multiwavelength model of Orion 218-354. We find that we are able to reproduce the 1-1000micron SED with a ~2-540AU disk of the size, geometry, small vs. large grain proportion and radial mass profile indicated by our data. This inner radius is a factor of ~15 larger than the sublimation radius of the disk, suggesting that it is likely cleared in the very interior.
Esther Buenzli, a Steward post-doc, won the poster prize in the 2nd session at PPVI! That means she had the best poster out of over 300. She presented her work with Daniel Apai on time-resolved variability in Brown Dwarfs, in which they used HST to track the changes in brightness of a couple of BDs. Cool stuff, and as a reward she got to give a talk to 900 people with 18 hours notice. Even more amazing, she managed to keep her trap shut about it at dinner last night, on conference orders to not tell anybody.
Esther Buenzli gives the prize-winning poster talk at PPVI.
It was a really good talk. Esther is actually leaving us — has left us — to come work here in Heidelberg at MPIA. We’re still proud. Congrats to her and everybody who worked on this.
Quote of the day: “We have an important announcement. We found a passport, for Kate Follette. If you’re her and you’d like to leave the country, please go to the information desk”
I admit that I immediately checked my passport when they said this.
MagAO is representing at the Protostars and Planets VI conference this week in Heidelberg, Germany. Wie geht’s? Well, so far it’s been an inspiring week, seeing all the strides forward our field has come in understanding how stars and planets form, and their physical and chemical properties, since the last Protostars and Planets (PPV) conference seven years ago. You can follow the latest at Twitter.
Our beautiful PSFs and first-light results have resulted in many questions about how to observe with MagAO. Interested observers should please check out Information for Observers and look for collaborators at the Magellan institutions: Arizona, Carnegie, Michigan, Harvard, MIT, and Chile.
One of our favorite comments so far was when I was meeting another astronomer, and mentioned MagAO/VisAO, and he said, “Are you the ones with the visible-light disk?” This is referring to the beautiful I-band image we have on Jared’s poster of a famous debris disk, of which we captured a gorgeous picture.
Oh and speaking of pictures, did everyone wave at Saturn tonight? At 21:27-21:42UT Cassini was taking a picture of Earth, and we were enjoying a picnic dinner along the Neckarwiese (the park by the Neckar River), so we stood where we could see Saturn and waved. We’re in the Cassini picture!
Here are pictures from the conference this week:
How it all began.The Schloss at night.Kate Follette and Keven Flaherty discuss Kate’s poster.Ilaria Pascucci, a professor in LPL, gave a talk on photo evaporation in disks.Arizona grad Mary Anne Peters, a former student of Laird who is now working on her PhD at Princeton, showed us her poster on tidally heated exomoons.Nathan Smith has a cool poster here.The Heidelberg Schloss dominates the hill side above the town.Colette Salyk, NOAO Goldberg Fellow, gave a great talk on volatiles in disks.Megan Reiter explains her poster to an interested PPVIer.Arizona grad students Brian Svoboda and Youngmin Seo.The conference reception was at the Schloss. Here’s your MagAO sunset from Heidelberg.Jason Dittmann, another UA Astronomy + Laird Grad (now at Harvard working on his PhD) shows off his poster.UA LPL alumn Jonathan Fortney. Yes, that is the Death Star.MagAO’s own Derek Kopon and his poster — which isn’t even on MagAO!
Quote of the week: “If I’m choking, you all have permission to touch my belly” — Kate Follette.
Runner-up quote: “Is your laptop the Milky Way?” — Chabrier, response to theorist with a dissenting simulation.
MagAO is back in town. We have returned from our conferences in Florence (AO4ELT) and/or Victoria (IAU 299 exoplanets) to get down to serious work on our papers we presented at the conferences, and our plans for the next year. Our talks and posters went over well, and we got a lot of requests about how to get MagAO observing time. Institutes that share Magellan telescope time are the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Harvard University, MIT, the University of Michigan, and the University of Arizona. Check with your collaborators at those institutes and keep an eye on this blog to find out about plans for the next MagAO observing run.
Some of our observing partners also presented MagAO results at the IAU symposium. Here are our Arizona State University friends Jenny Patience, Rob De Rosa, and Kimberly Ward-Duong posing by Kim’s poster:
Kim Ward-Duong and Jenny Patience of ASU, standing by Kim’s poster about a direct imaging study to search for and characterize planetary mass companions.Kim Ward-Duong and Rob De Rosa of ASU.Johanna Teske of the UA discusses her poster about the role of oxygen abundances in exoplanet host star C/O ratios: a case study of 55 Cnc
We also saw Emily Rauscher there, the first Sagan Fellow at the University of Arizona:
Emily Rauscher stands by her poster about Uneven cooling: The influence of atmospheric dynamics on the thermal evolution of gas giants
We took a few other pictures of our friends’ and collaborators’ posters but they got corrupted. Anyway, we hope you enjoyed those tidbits of the conference.
Finally, here’s a great picture of Jared and Alfio from the AO4ELT conference, in the place that started it all:
Jared and Alfio posing on the Arno in Firenze, with the Ponte Vecchio in the background.
Speaking of MagAO’s software engineers, somehow this hasn’t yet gotten posted to the blog, but Alfio modified some code last run so that we can save and watch the turbulence in real-time as it blows across the ASM. Here it is, it’s really cool to watch!