
200 nm WFE on a faint guide star

Yesterday we tested closing the loop on a faint R=13 mag star.  Ambient light from computer monitors in the test tower was too bright and so we closed the loop from the “control room” in the chem. lab.  It’s a good thing we got all the computers, desks, and high-speed ethernet links so that our control room is all set up and we could darken the “dome”!

We closed the loop on this R=13 star with the conservative 75th %ile seeing we’ve been using, 0.8” FWHM (r_0~15cm) and 33 mph winds (~15 m/s).  The frame rate was 200 Hz to get enough counts on the WFS with the pixels binned by 2.  Our resulting Strehl was 13% in z’-band which is about 200 nm rms wavefront error.  (The correction for our simulated turbulence not having high-order modes, and the correction for the double-pass on our DM in the test tower have a negligible contribution at this level).  Here is the image in z’-band:

For comparison, typical Keck AO wavefront control on H~7-9 mag NGS is also around 200 nm, or ~50% Strehl in H-band (result from 1000 Keck images from my dissertation).  So we are quite happy with this image quality!

Closed loop image, 85% Strehl (65 nm WFE) in test tower

Last week on Tuesday we closed the loop in the test tower, verifying our performance from the November run and validating our excellent wavefront control with MagAO.

Closed loop, Test tower, 15 Feb. 2012

We simulated 0.8” seeing (~15 cm r_0) in a 33 mph (~15 m/s) wind and closed the loop on an 8.5-mag guide star running at 1000 Hz with a pyramid modulation amplitude of 0.17 or about 3.5 lambda/D.  We are correcting 400 modes, each one with an optimzed gain.  The resulting image quality (right) is 85% Strehl at 982 nm effective wavelength, or about 65 nm residual wavefront error.  The slight elongation manifested as subtle lobes on the first Airy ring at a position angle around ~60 deg. is most likely caused by time delay along the wind vector.  Note that these images are linear scale, not log scale — and note the similarity of the ideal and the achieved PSFs!

Jared’s note at /uncategorized/a-better-closed-loop/ explains more about the differences between our simulated turbulence (limited to low and mid spatial frequencies by our 585-actuator DM) and Kolmogorov turbulence in the real atmosphere.  We calculate that true atmospheric turbulence would add a moderate amount of wavefront error, and would bring our measured image quality of 65 nm WFE (85% Strehl) to more like 100 nm (68% Strehl).

Another difference between the test tower and the telescope is that our telescope simulator is double-pass on the ASM, so that our internal static error is doubled to ~75 nm rms as compared to what we should see on sky.  Correcting for this effect improves our estimated on-sky WFE to ~70-80 nm rms (75-80% Strehl)!  For comparison/sanity checking, LBT has thus far achieved 90% Strehl at H-band or ~85 nm rms WFE at best on sky in Arizona.

Closing the loop

We (Laird, Jared, Katie, Alfio, Armando, Marco, Runa, Enrico, Simone, Luca, Carmelo, and Alessandro) have been working hard all week here at Arcetri to prepare for the Pre-Ship Review.

For today’s installment we have a video of the VisAO PSF as we test closing the loop and adjusting the gains.  Laird is narrating and Katie is operating MagAO in this clip. 

Descripion of video:  The Magellan AO system loop closing and opening at 1kHz on an 8.5-mag guide star in 0.8” seeing with 33 mph (15 m/s) wind. The image viewer is showing our SDSS i’ PSF, and we have selected a 32×32 subwindow of the CCD 47 (our VisAO science detector) to operate at 42 frames per second. You can see the impact on Strehl ratio (calculated from slope telemetry) and FWHM (fitting the PSF in real time) when the loop gains are low.

First we see the closed-loop PSF.  Then the loop is opened.  When we close the loop, we start with low gain and slowly ramp up first the low-order gain and then the high-order gain.  MagAO is operated with modal gains so that each mode (up to 400 controllable modes) can be operated with its own gain.  The automated gain algorithm searches for the best gain for each mode that minimizes the WFE.  However, gain can also be adjusted by hand, in groupings of low-order (tip/tilt), mid-frequencies, and high-order (above 100 modes for bin 1).

The Trek To The Top

Laird and Katie on the walk to Arcetri
Laird and Katie on the walk to Arcetri, with the only snow we've found in Florence.

Due to the always too short amount of time we get to spend with our instrument here, we work some long hours. Late at night and on weekends the front gate to Arcetri is closed, so we have to go around the back way. It is actually a nice walk, and we discovered the last remaining snow in Florence. In the picture you can see the top of the Solar Tower, where our adaptive secondary mirror is mounted. It is performing very well, and we are putting the last touches on the amazing automation that was developed here at Arcetri.

In Florence for Pre-Ship Review

Laird, Jared, and Katie (new postdoc) arrived yesterday for prep work and then for the Pre-Ship Review that will happen on the 23rd-24th Feb.  Katie is getting up to speed on MagAO while Laird and Jared verify that the system still performs as it did last Nov/Dec.  It’s chilly in Florence and we are running tests such as starting up the system, homing the motors, etc.  We are also setting up the Chem. Lab. as the “Control Room” via ethernet link (and radio for voice) in order to be able to demonstrate remote ops. during the review.  We warmed up the bench and got the system up and running, and will close the loop tomorrow.