Summary of MagAO’s first Science Run

From April 5 to April 21 we were helping other folks use MagAO. It took the work of a large team of excellent folks to make all this happen. In particular, we had the expert help of TJ Rodigas, Katie Morzinski and Vanessa Bailey who all looked after Clio with expert hands. Jared’s VisAO camera was also helped out by Ya-Lin Wu, and Kate Follette. The MagAO software became much more stable after the engineering period at the start — thanks to the hard work of Alfio Puglisi and Jared Males. The AO system was run by Katie and Jared and myself (running the AO system was pretty easy by the end of the run — so easy the PI could do it).

We also benefited from excellent support from the Magellan mountain staff. Juan Gallardo and his team expertly helped install (and uninstall) the adaptive secondary mirror, the NAS, and Clio (while also doing the same for the f/5 and the f/11 secondary!). Povilas Palunas did a great job of getting the f/16 guider running smoothly.

Also I’d like to thank all the excellent observers that submitted proposals to use MagAO and especially those that came down to visit us at Clay. These were our visiting astronomers: Jorden Stone (U. Arizona), Brett Addison (and Graeme Salter remote; UNSW Australia) , Alycia Weinberger, (Carnegie) Timothy Rodigas (Carnegie) Kate Follette (U. Arizona), Jared Males (U. Arizona), Subo Dong (PKU, China), Sebastian Perez (U. Chile), Francois Menard (U. Chile), Amanda Bosh (MIT), Stephen Levine (Lowell), Jennifer Yee (Harvard) and John Monnier (U. Michigan; remote) . Thanks to all for making this such a scientifically productive (and enjoyable) run!

Here is a summary of the run from the results of the Run reports that are filed at the end of each run. Overall I’m really happy with how well MagAO worked (especially after the first week) with very little “down-time”.

not bad
Here is the amount of down-time from MagAO/Clio/VisAO during the whole science run

The Reviews Are In

Here are the reviews of how users felt the support from the MagAO team was for AO operations (1 is the lowest and 5 is “well above acceptable” and the highest rating possible):

We are loved
Here is the nightly rating of the support provided for MagAO

Also here is the rating of how well users felt MagAO/VisAO/Clio performed:

"It worked better than I thought it would"
Rating for each night of the MagAO Performance

So it looks like MagAO/VisAO/Clio did very well this run. Of course, it was the nightly support from Jared and Katie that helped make all this really happen. So here is a photo of them finally getting off the mountain after a month!

Lunch at the “pub” in LaSerena

2014A Day 30: Send Me On My Way

We’ve departed the mountain. Thanks for hosting our first full science run, LCO, and we’ll see you next time.

The PI with his bags
Our transport awaits
Our driver loads up the transport
Sunrise as we’re leaving
Goodbye to Clay and Baade
Saying goodbye to the observatory
The Pan American Highway

2014A Day 29: All Packed Up

We packed everything up and left the mountain, and now I’ve gotten enough sleep I’m finally awake enough to post some pictures for you.

The crew spent most of the day putting MegaCam on the telescope, which uses the F/5 they put on the day before. It’s a big job, being one of the biggest and heaviest instruments.

Victor and Francesco lift MegaCam up through the floor
MegaCam and Cartzilla. Cartzilla is so big and heavy they have to take down a post to fit it through the door, and it has to drive on tracks so it doesn’t fall through the floor.
The crew prepare M1 for MegaCam

Then they had some time to squeeze in taking Clio2 and the MagAO NAS off the telescope before supper.

Felix prepares to take Clio2 off the NAS
Felix, Juan, and the crew prepare to lift the NAS off the telescope. They worked very hard that day to get it all done before supper.
Jared secures the NAS on its cart

We parked them in the Aux.

The NAS parked in the Aux
Clio2 parked in the Aux

Earlier in the day, Laird and I accompanied the ASM down to the Clean room.

Baby Vizzy flopped out in the sun after being terrified out of his wits from the loud diesel Isuzu that brought the ASM down to the clean room

We had a final dinner, then packed up to leave.

Our last dinner — stuffed zucchinis and
Final sunset from the catwalk

Song of the day: Zumba version

Song of the day: Electric Slide version

2014A…28 Days Later: No Led in Our Zeppelin

Today Laird got up at 8am while Jared and I went to bed after our Last Star last night. Laird and the crew took down the ASM, then Laird and Jared de-cabled the NAS and I de-cabled Clio with their help. Here are some pictures:

Jared peering through the optics
Shutting down Clio.
Turning off the Clio pump in the scary loud pump room
The tunnel by the scary loud pump room.
Jared feeds the anaconda through to Laird, who catches it in the snake pit below
Laird in the snake pit. Left: the view from beneath the NAS. Right: The view through the hole from on the NAS platform.
Jared and Laird posing by the NAS
Jared shows us how he really feels
Povilas works on the M1 mirror.
Tonight’s dinner was delicious – stuffed tomatoes, sliced potatoes, and salmon with a cream/shrimp sauce
It was a rare 3-vizcacha day at the clean room today.

The song of the day is inspired by the film 28 Days Later. We hope when we get back to Tucson, it isn’t a post-apocalyptic wasteland with everyone crazy party-rocking and/or our loved ones turned into zombies. Still, should the need arise, we are ready to party rock.

Ready to party rock.

2014A Day 27: Last Star

We have observed our last target star of the 2014A run. It was another great night, with half arcsecond seeing almost the whole way.

Just after sunset from the catwalk.

We now have 2 days of packing and storing and inventory to do, and then we start the long journey home. Laird and Katie got started as soon as the dome closed.

Laird and Katie (behind him holding the light) started the Clio warm up this morning.

We have to spend some time saying goodbye to all of our friends. We won’t see them for 6 months!

A vizzy hanging out waiting for sunset

And we need to spend some time actually looking at the night sky, it’s so beautiful here.

Yuri Beletsky has once again supplied us with an amazing photo. He took this two nights ago while we were observing.

We spent a lot of time on this run trying to mitigate the effects of diffraction. So check out the wave nature of these guitar strings: