2017B Day 7: What’s in a title? that which we call a title by any other name would obey the rules

It’s been a cloudy couple of nights at Las Campanas.

We’ve watched cloud banks as we walk to the telescope:Photo Aug 31, 19 21 44

Clouds stream overhead as we open the the dome:


Clouds fill the all-sky cam once our targets are up:

Screen Shot 2017-08-31 at 6.15.36 AM

monitored the clouds from space:


saw clouds over the Magellan telescopes from the “Hotel”:OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAand noted clouds as we walk to breakfast in the minutes before dawn:OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA


Nevertheless, we’ve gotten on sky and collected data. Past bloggers have likened the MagAO team to a F1 pit crew. The racing doesn’t happen  in our little mountain runabouts:The Las Campanas Observatory Hotel Parking Lot

or on the mountain roads:28 km, Las Campanas Observatory Sign

But at the Clio controls, where Katie reminded me it takes an aggressive-just-get out-there-and-start-saving-frames attitude, while you check the exposure times and nodding angles, to come out of a blustery and far-from-photometric Las Campanas night with some data. To strain the auto racing analogy, perhaps this also reflects the an improvisational MagAO “straight out of scratch” street racing attitude. With that we’ll leave you with a song: