Today was our first science night, with visiting observers Jayne and Ben from Amsterdam in collaboration with Sebastian from Arizona. Jayne, Jared, and I were all Sagan fellows before becoming faculty, and Sebastian is a current Sagan(-Hubble) fellow at Arizona.
A picture of the 3 Sagan alums in the Clay control room. [Image description: Jared is operating his phone in selfie mode so he’s up close. I’m sitting at the VisAO workstation. Jayne is behind me sitting at the Clio workstation. There are around 20 computer monitors mounted to the desks and walls in the background.]
There were a few hiccups associated with trying to keep the rotator tracking like all other instruments at Clay, but Emily and Amali managed to keep the loop closed and we got great data all night long.
Sunset at Clay. The MagAO-C and MagAO-X teams participated in the tradition of hoping for a green flash. [Image description: Several people stand on a catwalk watching the orange sun set over the distant horizon. The horizon has a orange glow and the distant mountains are blurry.]
The song of the day is the Britney Spears classic “Oops I did it again”: