MagAO-eXtreme Posts

  • MagAO-X 2022B Day 23: shhh… they’re sleeping


    Eden McEwen

    MagAO-X 2022B Day 23: shhh... they're sleeping
    Our 24 hour MagAO-X clean up effort has just finished up around dinner time. MagAO-X is off of Clay. After sleeping various amounts of not-enough today, the whole team is more than ready for some sweet sweet shut eye. Hopefully now unbothered by nightmares of 2.0 arcsecond seeing or cart assembly. End of run crew ...
  • MagAO-X 2022B Day 22: The Last Loop for 2022


    Avalon McLeod

    MagAO-X 2022B Day 22: The Last Loop for 2022
    Tonight marks the end of our time on sky for the 2022B run. Though we have had a bit of a rough week of seeing, humidity, etc., tonight we scored some decent conditions and got to do some of the science we’ve all been eager to do. Logan is hunting for white dwarfs, and may have ...
  • MagAO-X 2022B Day 21: Tiger Blood and The Universe Game


    Jared Males

    MagAO-X 2022B Day 21: Tiger Blood and The Universe Game
    Whelp, this run is old enough to drink. There is a peculiar thing about the way the Universe is constructed: it is nearly, but not completely, impossible for one civilization to detect another civilization (unless they want to be found). That parenthetical caveat is worth explaining up front: essentially all SETI conducted to date is predicated ...
  • MagAO-X 2022B Day 20 – Dripping when we should be KLIPping


    Alycia Weinberger

    MagAO-X 2022B Day 20 - Dripping when we should be KLIPping
    I’m baaaaaack. My last post on April 23 promised that if I got to come in person, I’d bring goodies. I tried to make good, but bad weather makes for a lot of snacking need. Not shown: chocolate covered pretzels The daytime weather has been lovely, for the viscachas and humans who happen to be awake then. ...
  • MagAO-X 2022B Day 19: The sky makes us sad but at least there’s vizzies.


    Logan Pearce

    MagAO-X 2022B Day 19: The sky makes us sad but at least there's vizzies.
    So the last two nights have followed the same pattern: decent seeing and good images until about midnight-1am, then seeing creeps up and up and up and blows past the top of the chart, and we all slump around the control room and lounge in a funk. But tonight there is an added bonus ...
  • MagAO-X 2022B Day 18: Prepare for trouble and make it double


    Sebastiaan Haffert

    MagAO-X 2022B Day 18: Prepare for trouble and make it double
    Tonight started of quite well. We finally had average conditions, which much better than the 2 arcseconds seeing from before! The first target of the night is one from Logan. She is searching for white dwarf companions around main sequence stars. Stellar evolution tells us that there should be more white dwarfs than we can ...
  • MagAO-X 2022B Day 17: An Excellent Day for Atmosphere Watching


    Avalon McLeod

    MagAO-X 2022B Day 17: An Excellent Day for Atmosphere Watching
    Tonight we experienced seeing values that made certain lab members say “Oh lord!”, or “I thought we were taking darks”. Seeing is -quite literally- off the charts Unfortunately for tonight’s observers, we had to close the telescope early. Not only was seeing making it quite impossible to produce any useful data, but the TO went outside ...
  • MagAO-X 2022B Day 16: “Tonight’s blog content is going to be amazing”


    Logan Pearce

    MagAO-X 2022B Day 16: "Tonight's blog content is going to be amazing"
    Hello! It me, back on the mountain finally. As stated yesterday, I arrived finally yesterday afternoon (after high-fiving the departing Warren and Joseph at the La Serena airport through the window). I managed to stay up for sunset, then quickly went to bed after sleeping not a wink on the plane the ...
  • MagAO-X 2022B Day 15: Farewell, Hello, and how to eat enough empanadas by the light of a distant Christmas tree


    Jared Males

    MagAO-X 2022B Day 15: Farewell, Hello, and how to eat enough empanadas by the light of a distant Christmas tree
    Thank you Carla for the wonderful blog post yesterday, and also for taking such good care of us. I of course really mean thanks for delivering our empanadas on Sunday. We’ll see you next turno! I know it looked like a lot of food, but I was actually somewhat disappointed in our team’s commitment ...
  • MagAO-X 2022B Day 14: Grateful for the past 4 days/nights


    Carla Fuentes

    MagAO-X 2022B Day 14: Grateful for the past 4 days/nights
    I am (Carla) so glad to be at the first and hopefully last night of this MagAOX run. I was here the last first night too (2022A) and both of them were very chaotic. To add one more word to your chilean vocabulary I hope that I am not the YETA one here. To be Yeta ...