MagAO-eXtreme Posts

  • MagAO-X 2022A Day 23: Feeling Remote


    Alycia Weinberger

    MagAO-X 2022A Day 23: Feeling Remote
    Late last year, we surveyed the Magellan community about what was lost and what was gained from remote observing. 10/28 people who had used a new instrument during remote observing cited a downside as the difficulty learning to use a new instrument. Obviously, MagAO-X wasn’t on during the 14 months of remote observing to that ...
  • MagAO-X 2022A Day 22: A Hole Thing


    Joseph Long

    MagAO-X 2022A Day 22: A Hole Thing
    Today we got up early (3:00 P.M.) for a tour of the Giant Magellan Telescope construction site, arranged by our fearless leader. We met with architect Francisco Figueroa at the site, who was happy to show us around—as soon as we put on vests, hard hats, gloves, safety glasses, a high-visibility safety vest, and safety-toe ...
  • MagAO-X 2022A Day 21: It was bound to happen eventually.


    Logan Pearce

    MagAO-X 2022A Day 21: It was bound to happen eventually.
    Whelp, here we are. After 20 days of the most excellent weather and 9 nights of impeccable seeing (last night was truly remarkable observing conditions!) we have finally hit a night with some clouds. We spent some time on a target for one of our collaborators and got her some good data, but ...
  • MagAO-X 2022A Day 20: Excellent Seeing and Science


    Laird Close

    MagAO-X 2022A Day 20: Excellent Seeing and Science
    So today was day 9/14 of our on-sky run on the Clay telescope and it was a particularly awesome night! The seeing (how astronomers quantify the turbulence in the atmosphere) was very good all night. A great Easter Sunday treat (as were all the delicious empanadas). A perfect night, excellent conditions all night long ...
  • MagAO-X 2022A Day 19: MAPS & SCExAO to the rescue


    Jared Males

    MagAO-X 2022A Day 19: MAPS & SCExAO to the rescue
    MagAO-X is proving to be a complicated beast. Just when we think we’re making progress at taming it, we find another thing that doesn’t quite work yet — or is just plain failing. Sometimes we need help from our collaborators working on similar AO systems. We’ve been getting really nice performance, but with a ...
  • MagAO-X 2022A Day 18: Rainbows in the sky


    Sebastiaan Haffert

    MagAO-X 2022A Day 18: Rainbows in the sky
    It is quite a late morning while I am writing this blog post. We had a very successful first night of commissioning of VIS-X. VIS-X is the Visible Integral-field Spectrograph eXtreme (VIS-X). Of course everything we do is extreme. So the spectrograph also had to be extreme. VIS-X is the project that I have been ...
  • MagAO-X 2022A Day 17: Coronagraphic Burrito


    Jared Males

    MagAO-X 2022A Day 17: Coronagraphic Burrito
    It finally feels like we’re starting to settle in here. We have begun doing hours-long observations of science targets for observers, and that means we can actually take a breath, catch up on email, and bond with our friends at LCO. While having our dinner we were graced by our friend the Burro who likes ...
  • MagAO-X 2022A Day ?? (Bonus Blog): Some way home


    Justin Knight

    MagAO-X 2022A Day ?? (Bonus Blog): Some way home
    To aid the MagAO-X team members I’ve left behind, I’m making a post of my transit from LCO back to Tucson, AZ. Here is a list of the necessary things to travel to the U.S.: A passport A credit card or other valid form of payment in Chile A valid COVID-19 rapid antigen test with a negative result The ...
  • MagAO-X 2022A Day 16: Masking in masks


    Logan Pearce

    MagAO-X 2022A Day 16: Masking in masks
    Today was a great MagAO-X day. We had great seeing and things worked well, we were able to get a lot done today and make some nice science-y images! Engineering continued again tonight with a smattering of science. Tonight we worked on commissioning the non-redundant aperture mask (NRM), which is a technique for ...
  • MagAO-X 2022A Day 15: Let’s do the time warp again


    Vizzy Viscacha

    MagAO-X 2022A Day 15: Let's do the time warp again
    As a viscacha, I can’t claim to understand what “preparing a talk” or “attending a defense” or “de-bugging” mean (though I have some ideas about de-bugging). I do know one thing, however, and that is that the chain of blog posts must remain unbroken. It seems like time has gotten away from the human members of ...