MagAO-eXtreme Posts

  • MagAO-X Across the Pond Day 5: Beauty of the Netherlands


    Lauren Schatz

    MagAO-X Across the Pond Day 5: Beauty of the Netherlands
    Today was the last day of the conference! We saw many great talks (mostly about PDS 70 and HR 8799…) and many of us have left excited to get back to work and Reduce! That! Data! Today was a half day and that meant we were finally able to roam free and see the beauty of ...
  • MagAO-X Across The Pond Day 4: Let’s Talk It Out


    Joseph Long

    MagAO-X Across The Pond Day 4: Let's Talk It Out
    Today I presented Kevin Wagner’s talk about searching for planets in 10 µm light. I think I did an okay job talking about things I know nothing about, but then, I do have plenty of practice. All questions about Kevin’s part of the talk will be answered with viscacha noises. Incredibly, people did ask me questions. In ...
  • MagAO-X Across the Pond: Day 3


    Logan Pearce

    MagAO-X Across the Pond: Day 3
    Where are days 1 & 2 you ask? Um we didn’t blog those. *Sheepish grin* Your favorite MagAO-X team is living it up in Leiden, Netherlands this week at the Spirit of Lyot conference – a conference devoted to bringing exoplanet direct imaging science and instrument builders together to unite the tech with the ...
  • MagAO-X 2022A Day 30: The Secret Behind MagAO-X Cool Kid Attire


    Avalon McLeod

    MagAO-X 2022A Day 30: The Secret Behind MagAO-X Cool Kid Attire
    I can thankfully say that all of our LCO-going MagAO-X team members are back to their respective USA locations! I would say Tucson but Logan had to pick up her dog and car in Texas. Speaking of doggos, I know everyone was happy to see their loving furry roommates upon their arrival. Alexander the Great a ...
  • MagAO-X 2022A Day 29: Non-Working Title


    Joseph Long

    MagAO-X 2022A Day 29: Non-Working Title
    We did it, folks. We made it the full 29 days. (Maybe there will be a blog post from Atlanta for Day 30, maybe not. Depends how tired we are.) Jared had the presence of mind to take a group shot on our transport down from Las Campanas to the airport. The covid clinic we visted ...
  • MagAO-X 2022A Day 28: Pack it up Pack it in


    Logan Pearce

    MagAO-X 2022A Day 28: Pack it up Pack it in
    After a grueling day yesterday we were all blessed with a full 12 hours of sleep last night. And it was long overdue, especially for our hard-charging PI and Post-Doc. So with a renewed spirit, everyone feeling much more themselves today, we joined the LCO crew in getting MagAO-X buttoned up and ready ...
  • MagAO-X 2022A Day 27: The Best For Last


    Jared Males

    MagAO-X 2022A Day 27: The Best For Last
    We have waited a long time for a night like last night. MagAO-X had first light way back in Dec 2019. We had just 4 nights to get it aligned to the telescope for the first time, figure out how to acquire a star, and start testing and optimizing our control system. ...
  • MagAO-X 2022A Day 26: The real last night


    Alycia Weinberger

    MagAO-X 2022A Day 26: The real last night
    Yes, Jared, it really is the last night! I wish I could send a supersonic shipment to the MagAOX team to sustain them while they quickly pack up everything in the next day or so. I’d include really good coffee and Coke Zero (“We’ve really disrupted the economy of Las Campanas” –Joseph on the ...
  • MagAO-X 2022A Day 25: The fake last night


    Sebastiaan Haffert

    MagAO-X 2022A Day 25: The fake last night
    We thought that we would go on-sky with MagAO-X for 14 nights when we left Tucson nearly 4 weeks ago. However, after some heated debate we realized that we never checked the official schedule of the telescope. Well, we got another night coming up. Luckily we build in a day of contingency and we can ...
  • MagAO-X 2022A Day 24: Getting dispersed


    Joseph Long

    MagAO-X 2022A Day 24: Getting dispersed
    Tonight was split 50/50 between Dr. Weinberger and Dr. Haffert. Once Alycia’s observations were done, Sebastiaan started commissioning his extreme, visible, high-resolution, MagAO-X-fed, integral field spectrograph VIS-X. There was a little bit of panic initially when the laptop pinch-hitting for “VIS-X instrument control computer” wouldn’t talk to the camera, but Sebastiaan shimmied up the ladder ...