MagAO-eXtreme Posts

  • MagAO-X 2020A Stay at Home Day 37: Stuck in the House Music


    Joseph Long

    MagAO-X 2020A Stay at Home Day 37: Stuck in the House Music
    It’s been a week since I last blogged, and I’ve got an update on last week’s COVID-19 antibody test! The good news is: blood tests indicate I’ve successfully avoided getting sick. The bad news is, I’m therefore still at risk. Several other eXtreme Wavefront Control Lab students got tested and they had no evidence of ...
  • MagAO-X 2020A Stay at Home Day 36: May Come She Will


    Kyle Van Gorkom

    MagAO-X 2020A Stay at Home Day 36: May Come She Will
    We’ve had a string of high-quality, high-effort posts recently, so it’s time to restore balance to the blog with a low-effort post. Other than my biweekly (in sense 1, not sense 2 ) visits to the grocery store ...
  • MagAO-X 2020A Stay at Home Day 35: Stay at Home Lessons from Study Abroad


    Ewan Douglas

    MagAO-X 2020A Stay at Home Day 35: Stay at Home Lessons from Study Abroad
    Hello! It’s been a while since I’ve blogged, last time was at the observatory using MagAO (Classic). Others have written about time spent on a submarines or in virtual worlds, which I think are excellent training for isolation, I’m going to opine a bit about the value of travel and particularly study abroad for ...
  • MagAO-X 2020A Stay at Home Day 34: Chocolate drink and TV commercials


    Jhen Lumbres

    MagAO-X 2020A Stay at Home Day 34: Chocolate drink and TV commercials
    This week, MagAO-X was scheduled for its 2020A observation run at LCO. LCO is still closed according to recent updates, MagAO-X is still hanging out at the XWCL in Steward Observatory, and everyone continues to work from home. I decided to write this post about something that pleasantly surprised me when I visited LCO for ...
  • MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day 33: May The 4th Be With You


    Alex Hedglen

    MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day 33: May The 4th Be With You
    It’s officially May the 4th 2020, and may the Fourth be with you! The fourth of May is great because it’s an excuse for all of us to relive the fact that Star Wars is the greatest thing ever, even though it sometimes feels like it happened a long time ago, in a galaxy far ...
  • MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day 32: America’s Best Idea


    Logan Pearce

    MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day 32: America's Best Idea
    “There is nothing so American as our national parks…. The fundamental idea behind the parks…is that the country belongs to the people, that it is in process of making for the enrichment of the lives of all of us.” – President Franklin D. Roosevelt About a decade ago, I decided I was tired of not doing ...
  • MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day 31: Star Wars Prequel Memes


    Lauren Schatz

    MagAO-X  2020A Stay At Home Day 31: Star Wars Prequel Memes
    When my friend and I are bored or need cheering we up, we send each other Star Wars prequel memes. As you can imagine during ‘these uncertain times’ we have been sending each other a lot of them. Here are some of my favorite ones so far. Starting with the obligatory coronavirus themed ones: And ...
  • MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day 30: Phlebotomy is a funny word


    Joseph Long

    MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day 30: Phlebotomy is a funny word
    After 29 days of the Stay At Home, I had an appointment. I had a thing to do, at a time, in a place other than my house, with another person. The University of Arizona and the State have come together to ramp up COVID-19 antibody testing, beginning with 3000 healthcare workers, 500 University students, and ...
  • MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day 29: AO for Exoplanets


    Katie Morzinski

    MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day 29: AO for Exoplanets
    In the days of MagAO-Classic, I would write daily blog posts 3-5 times per week. By the time we got to Day 29 in the run I would be so exhausted I was grateful for anyone to write blog posts. Now the tables have turned and here I am, belatedly showing up on the blog ...
  • MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day 28: You Just Lost the Game


    Erin Maier

    MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day 28: You Just Lost the Game
    I report to you live from my bed, where I have spent a lot of time the last six weeks or so, sleeping, (…sometimes…) working, and playing video games.