MagAO-eXtreme Posts

  • Noodle Adventures


    Jhen Lumbres

    Noodle Adventures
    Carbohydrates compose what are good in life: rice, noodles, bread. While Tucson has some very solid Asian noodle options (Noodleholics, Fatman Kitchen, Tuk Tuk Thai, Miss Saigon, Raijin Ramen…), I still reach out for the instant noodle packages that I buy from my local Asian markets. Come take a journey with me through some instant ...
  • Purrride and Prejudice


    Lauren Schatz

    Purrride and Prejudice
    It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune (lots of wet food), must be in want of a wife. An unprecidented whirlwind romance has budded between Katniss and my neighbor’s cat. His name is Bandit, and true to his name, he has stolen Katniss’s heart. Monsieur Bandit ...
  • Rainbow Chocolate


    Jhen Lumbres

    Rainbow Chocolate
    It has come to my attention that it’s already February, which means CHOCOLATE. Every Valentine’s day, I prepare boxes of chocolate to give away to everyone in XWCL and my friends. It’s one of the Hallmark holidays I look forward to the most for chocolate making. Not that chocolate needs an excuse, of course. Valentine’s chocolates ...
  • Welcome to Flagpole, AZ


    Jay Kueny

    Welcome to Flagpole, AZ
    It’s true- Flagstaff was this 🤏 close to being named Flagpole, which just doesn’t have the same ring if you ask me. Truth be told, this weather lately has me missing thin air and Ponderosa Pines so allow me to reminisce a bit and take you on a virtual tour through my “perfect day” ...
  • XWCL greets the new year


    Joseph Long

    To be sure, the new year looks much like the old. Pandemic still raging, all activities still online, etc etc. Still, the days are getting longer again, and we have a few new lab members to add to the People page. Nationwide vaccination campaigns are underway, and who knows? Maybe we’ll all be vaccinated in time ...
  • Merry MagAO-Xmas


    Joseph Long

    Merry MagAO-Xmas
    Wow, it’s December already! As These Unprecedented Times continue, our 2020B telescope observation plans are sadly canceled. Still, how ever you celebrate the end of year holiday season, whether it’s winter (like us norteamericanos) or summer (like our colleagues in Chile), whether you observe religious traditions or merely a secular prayer to the S-I-R model ...
  • Baby’s first Halloween – or – have we lost our minds?


    Logan Pearce

    Baby's first Halloween - or - have we lost our minds?
    What’s up my witches. It’s Rona-ween and Lauren and I introduced baby Star to costumes and dressing for success. Hold on to your hats and prepare to loose your freakin’ mind as the cutest pics you’ve ever seen are about to hit your eyes. Star, what do your hedge eyes see? Thinking of spells to ...
  • ‘Rona got you down? Try rocks!


    Logan Pearce

    'Rona got you down? Try rocks!
    This sure has been a year of hoo-DON’Ts, but for two XWCL members this weekend was full of hoo-DOs! Lauren and I, plus our friend Zuzana, spent the weekend camping and hiking in the Chiricahua Mountains, about 2 hours east of Tucson near the NM border. Chiricahua is characterized by acres of tall ...
  • The World in a Chip


    Jhen Lumbres

    The World in a Chip
    If there’s one thing that I do without fail while coding, studying, or writing, it’s definitely snacking. As a proud snacker, one of the things I like to explore are international flavor versions of chips from big American brand companies. Today, I am going to take you, dear readers, through some stories about my adventures ...
  • Things My Cat Hates


    Joseph Long

    Things My Cat Hates
    Every cat is unique. Much like human individuals. And, much like human individuals, you don’t necessarily want to hear about the quirky behaviors of ones that you’re not taking care of. If that’s how you feel, you might want to skip this post. (Of course, if that’s really how you feel, you’ve probably already unsubscribed ...