Congrats to our 2024 Grads!

XWCL has a lot to be proud of this graduation season. Our best and brightest donned their funny hats and walked across their stages. What? You haven’t seen their defense blogs yet? Shhhh. The actual degree part, they’ll get there. Today is for celebrating!

First up was the Optical Science graduation.

Maggie and Co. lining up for their PhD walk!

Maggie Kautz getting hooded by Dean Koschel and Advisor Laird Close
Katie Twitchell, Valedictorian, giving the convocation address.

Next up was the ceremonies at the Steward Observatory:

Logan Pearce in her PhD regalia.
Logan and the other PhD graduates!

We wish them the best of luck in their future work!

Congrats on the Academic pageantry, and we can’t wait to see you all defend!

Song of the Day

For the Time Being by Sammy Rae & The Friends