This week MagAO attended the conference, Search for Life Beyond the Solar System, locally in Tucson, Arizona. We’d like to thank the organizing committee, lead by Arizona Prof. Daniel Apai, for an interactive and interesting conference.
On Monday, Laird had lunch with most of his previous graduate students, almost all of whom attended the conference:

Most of Laird’s current and former students. Clockwise from 12:00: Laird Close, Beth Biller, Ya-Lin Wu, Andy Skemer, Eric Nielsen and friend, Jared Males, Kate Follette, Derek Kopon, and Nick Siegler.
The direct imaging talks were yesterday. This included Laird (H-alpha as a Probe of Very Low-mass Planets: The GAPplanetS Survey With the MagAO System) and Jared (Direct Imaging of Extrasolar Giant Planets in the Habitable Zone), as well as MagAO friends and colleagues Beth Biller(The Gemini/NICI Planet-Finding Campaign: The Frequency of Planets around Young Moving Group Stars), Jenny Patience, Andy Skemer (LEECH: LBTI Exozodi Exoplanet Common Hunt), Phil Hinz (The Challenge of the Exozodiacal Light(Tomorrow’s Resolution, Today) ), Denis Defrere (The Hunt for Observable Signatures of Terrestrial Planetary Systems), Olivier Guyon (Coronagraphy — From State of the Art to the Near Future), and more.
You can see the archived talks here, and you can read Tweets from the conference here.