MAPS posts

  • MAPS 2023A Day 1: Clouds, Clouds, Clouds, and Adaptive Secondary Mirrors


    Manny Montoya

    MAPS 2023A Day 1: Clouds, Clouds, Clouds, and Adaptive Secondary Mirrors
    The night started off with clouds and the group had a nice and easy time getting to start their systems. Nothing like having time to catch up and get lunch together. CLOUDS, CLOUDS, CLOUDS CLOUDS,CLOUDS Lunch CACAO Station TopBox Station At midnight the weather decided to clear and we had high hopes of starting where we left off last night. ...
  • MAPS 2023A Day 0: Stranger in a familiar land


    Joseph Long

    MAPS 2023A Day 0: Stranger in a familiar land
    MAPS is The MMT Adaptive optics exoPlanet characterization System, an upgraded adaptive secondary AO system for MMT. For the next week or so, it is installed on the telescope and the team has important engineering and science to do. To this effort, the XWCL has contributed one CACAO expert on the ground (Eden McEwen) and ...