
2014B Day 9: Back To Normal

Well things finally got back to normal tonight at LCO. Not a cloud in the sky, seeing was 0.5 arcseconds most of the night, T.J. fell asleep in the control room, and most importantly – our good friend Miss Viz was hanging out at the clean room today! We haven’t seen any Viscachas on their usual roosts, but one was there today.

Miss Viz, one of the clean room Viscachas was spotted for the first time on this run.

As I said, tonight we got the absolutely perfect observing conditions we’ve come to expect from LCO.

Finally, a cloud-less sunset.
The ASM as we opened for what turned out to be an amazing night.

The great conditions have led to some really nice results. Here’s a 47% Strehl ratio image at z’ (that means it’s really good).

We took these images tonight. At left is with an ND filter to prevent saturating. At right is a no-ND deep exposure, where you can see the spider arms and other high-contrast details. The junk in the center is CCD bleeding. Click for more pixels.

We also did some work at H-alpha. Here’s a nice H-alpha jet coming from a young binary star system. FWHM in this image is 30 milli-arcseconds. That’s from stacking 15 second exposures.

An H-alpha jet imaged with MagAO’s VisAO camera in SDI mode. Click for more pixels.

At the end of a great night, we saw a gorgeous sunrise over the Andes. Here’s a shot of the MagAO ASM, Clay, and Baade right before we closed up.

A sunrise shot of the MagAO secondary at the top of Cerro Manqui. Anna, you can click for the high-res version.

I don’t think these have been on the blog yet this run.

Some more nice flowers,

So, the last week has been pretty rough from an observing perspective. The clouds and bad seeing means a lot of stress and frustration. I think this video captures what it’s like sometimes in the control room during nights like we’ve had up until now.

Here’s the song of the day. I’m guessing this is going to be a staple at McKale center this year.

2014B Day 8: Keep Calm

We were clouded out for the first half of the night. Once we got open, we started out observing “Runa’s Star”. Runa picked his star as a set up target during our commissioning run 2 years ago. He also deserves credit for designing one side of our MagAO coffee mugs.

Runa Briguglio created our “Keep Calm and Close the Loop” graphic. It looks great on our personalized mugs.

Once the clouds cleared we got to work.

Trapezium A, B, and E all on our 8″x8″ VisAO detector (7 stars total)
Too bad this almost ruined our night
The MagAO team took a sunset selfie tonight
Sunset was pretty amazing. This is looking back east towards the Andes.
Our pre-observing supper
Far field: A nice panorama of the observatory. Near field: the instrument scientist of MagAO.

2014B Day 7: Ok Cancel

On a submarine they say you don’t really start learning how the reactor plant works until you stand your first watch by yourself. It’s kind of the same thing for us, this is our first run without Alfio here to clean up our messes. Tonight was fun. We pushed MagAO into some new territory, at least for the three of us. Before and after, and once the dust settled, we did some really cool things.

The night started by replacing the Clio vacuum pump down in the bowels of the telescope.

The new Clio pump. Juan and Jorge came up after dinner to help hook it up.

We did some astrometric calibrations.

Some old school astrometry.
Trapezium on the guider.

This is the image that almost broke MagAO

Our favorite spiral galaxy on the guider.

Still a bit cloudy, which continues to make for gorgeous skies at sunset

Tonight’s panorama.

And finally a Viscacha pic. Can you believe this is the first one?

The first viscacha pic of 2014B. They have been pretty scarce so far.

Since this is day 7, I present, out of many well qualified candidates, the following as the quote of our first week. It’s Laird describing how he operates the AO system: “part of the problem is I can’t actually read any of these numbers. I just click on shapes.”

It’s true. I’m pretty sure that if I made a warning pop up that said “You are about to destroy MagAO — Ok — Cancel” he would click Ok as long as it was in the right place.

Here’s your song of the day. Enjoy.

2014B Day 6: Mackerel Trick or Treat?

Tonight we saw some cute pictures of the various children in our lives dressed up for Halloween. Well don’t worry, but we had the holiday covered here as well. Here is a monster of an old man who showed up just before sunset:

This old man/monster is here to wish you a happy Halloween. I think he was supposed to frighten away the clouds but they came on thick n patchy all night long.

He looks scary but we let him run our instrument. And he did a great job of frightening the PI.

Jared scared Laird with his mask pretty well.

The Babcock Lodge with Altocumulus Mackerel clouds

I did a bit of searching to try and figure out what that gorgeous display of clouds was. I’m going to go with Altocumulus Mackerel. Look it up. But I can’t tell if it’s going to be, “Mackerel in the sky, three days dry,” or “Mackerel sky, mackerel sky. Never long wet and never long dry.”

Clouds from the summit. Here you can really see the sky through the patches.

Tonight, though, the clouds remained thick and patchy until the dawn. We were still able to work through the clouds, locking on an 0.5-mag star (Achernar) and later, a -1st mag star (Canopus). The AO system reports the magnitude back to us and we had up to 9 mags of extinction! But this was sufficient to do our tests of things like software, communications, and scripting. I also tested Clio’s wide camera.

Aligning the wide camera – The dark hole in the center and the 2 dark lines coming out at 5:00 and 11:00 are the cold stop; the bright part is the warm ASM spiders — here I am lining them up so that the pupils are aligned to get good unvignetted images.

Yesterday I was able to focus Clio and verify that our focus positions haven’t changed since the last run.

An example of how we focus Clio.

Our Chilean students (Javier Garcés, Sebastián Zúñiga, and Mario Castro, from the Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa María) left yesterday. We will see them in Tucson in January and look forward to seeing how their vibration data are, which they took last night by attaching their in-house custom accelerometers to the telescope and instrument.

Here were the students yesterday attaching the accelerometers that they built to various parts of the telescope and instrument.

Anyway, it was a good night even for the clouds, because we were able to do so much testing. I’ll leave you with a couple more pictures and the song of the day.

“Dinner”/Breakfast… super yummy!
Panorama of Cerro Manqui with Altocumulus Mackerel clouds (I think)

2014B Day 5: Corrected Dispersion

The big story over the last 30 hours has been our atmospheric dispersion corrector, or ADC. When you look at a star through the atmosphere, it will be “dispersed” into a rainbow, meaning that the different wavelengths of light (colors) will land at different spots on the camera. But if you have an ADC, it takes out this dispersion. The ADC is two prisms which have to be rotated in opposite directions in a fairly precise way. Well, ours stopped being precise, or maybe it was just random. Opinions vary. We spent the last half of last night taking pieces of it apart and testing various theories. We didn’t get anywhere, but after a long-day’s sleep, Laird had a plan. To keep a long story from getting longer, one of the two rotating prisms tends to get jammed up in one part of its range of motion. We now have a workaround in place for this, with a bunch of software hacks to enforce some new rules. So, problem solved! Just like that.

That image makes me pretty happy. See how the lines (they’re speckles in a very broad pass band) running out from the star are all straight? That means we have the ADC working.

To put that in perspective, when I went to bed yesterday morning I was pretty sure we had to pull MagAO off the telescope and tear apart the ADC. It’s good to be wrong about some things.

Losing some time to the ADC troubleshooting hasn’t been too hard to take, because we’ve had some cloudy nights.

The Babcock Lodge with some clouds
Magellan with clouds. This is a rare sight as far as the MagAO team is concerned.

Here are some more pictures of the mounting and cabling from yesterday.

Laird and Katie hooking up Clio
Here’s Laird and me connecting all the cables that let us talk to the system.

MagAO’s favorite Chef is on this week. Here’s an example of why we love Hector so much.

This was dessert at Lunch! You should stop by for dinner some time.

I found some more flowers today.

Some more flowers.

Clouds suck. They should never come near any observatory where I have time. But, they make for nice pictures.

Tonight’s sunset. Click for panorawesome.
The MagAO team shows off some of our swag. Note that I’m not looking at the camera, I got distracted by the loop “pausing” and was making sure it came back ok.

There’s a lot of pressure for us instrumenteers in the days before a run, especially such a long one. We have many people coming to visit us and use MagAO, and we need to have the system in top form when they get here. I think we did it — MagAO is ready to go. But, needless to say, we worked pretty damn hard the last couple of days.