A crime has been committed – and another may be in progress as I type. But we’ll get to that.
Today was less exciting than yesterday, but progress was made. MIKE, the instrument occupying the port we want to bolt to, was removed first thing this morning. After it was gone, we started getting the platform ready for our monster. It’s pretty motivating to be working on the actual telescope at long last.

We also had a look at how our cable will work. It has to drape off the platform gracefully, and not snag as the telescope moves.

Jason was leading the charge to get the ASM cooling system filled with Glycol.

Though it doesn’t make for good action shots, Glenn and Jared had a very successful round of software testing this afternoon. We’re ready to try our kung-fu out on the actual telescope. Keep your fingers crossed.

Now, we have some intrigue on this sleepy little mountain top. Tyson was the first person up to the ASB this morning, and much to his surprise the bananas in the kitchen were scattered about. He investigated, and found some damning evidence.

If you don’t know the most likely culprit for this heinous crime, you haven’t been reading this blog. Tyson even caught a glimpse of the little guy trying to repeat his daring exploit tonight. My hypothesis is that our buddy watched us move out yesterday and decided nobody was coming back.
Here’s a shot of the Magellan telescopes from the lodge deck.

Days without a motherboard failure: 7