
MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day 19: Waters of April

It has long been my intention to use a XWCL blog post to spread the delights of Simon & Garfunkel with the watching world. But, well, I’m still not going to quite get around to it with this post (but halfway there!).

The song of the day is “Waters of March” sung by Art Garfunkel. Feel free to close your eyes as the melody sweeps over you.

MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day 18: Numbering the days

Hello everyone, my name is Justin. I’m a soon-to-be Ph.D-holder-guy in the midst of writing my dissertation on the topic of the coronagraphic architecture known as the PIAACMC (Phase-Induced Amplitude Apodization Complex Mask Coronagraph). Basically this coronagraph uses everything but the kitchen sink to suppress stellar light, while preserving as much planet light as possible for observation. This list includes beam-shaping optics (the PIAA part), conventional apodizers (sometimes in addition to the PIAA part), a destructive interference inducing focal plane mask, and Lyot stops to block additional starlight diffracted toward the edge of the post-focal plane mask pupil plane. Feel free to learn more about PIAACMC and its current state ad nauseam from my dissertation after I graduate!

While I currently professionally live and breath PIAACMC, it’s not all I do – especially in the midst of our current living situation where we’re all stuck at home, or would rather be (thanks essential workers). To keep the boredom at bay, I’ve taken to revisiting some old hobbies, as well as to acquiring some new. Let me explain.

Back as an undergraduate, I pursued a degree in math. I studied group theory, real and complex analysis, topics in linear algebra, and number theory to name a few. In addition to learning about these fields, I would often spend time learning about the historical figures who helped prop them up. In particular, I really enjoyed learning about the many mathematicians and other scientists who contributed to number theory. Why? Because historically number theory has few practical applications, so everyone was said to be doing math for math’s sake when they studied the field. What a pure intellectual pursuit (according to 20 year old me anyway)!

As you may currently be thinking, I’ve recently been looking up mathematicians and their contributions to number theory. Some of my discoveries have been the creator of TeX, Dr. Donald Knuth’s, early “journal” contribution discussing an alternative standard system of weights and measures: Potrzebie (did you know the speed of light is roughly 9.8e15 Potrzebies/Clarke, or 9.8e15 thicknesses of MAD magazine #26/the average rotation time of the earth in seconds?). A few other nuggets I’ve found include the largest numbers used in a mathematical proof (Skewes numbers), and the calculation of Brun’s constant revealing a flaw in an Intel Pentium chip architecture. Fun stuff!

For the new, I recently learned a method to solve a 3x3x3 Rubik’s Cube. Using the so-called Beginner’s method, I have an average of five solve time of about one minute and thirty-five seconds. This is abysmally slow for speed-cubers, but that’s not the point. It’s just a precursor to study the Rubik’s Cube group, and to have bragging rights that I can actually solve a cube.

Hopefully everyone is finding interesting ways to entertain themselves.

And since I’ve been talking about numbers, how about a Song of the Day with at least one: One by Metallica.

MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day 17: Summertime sadness

Before I moved to Tucson, I thought there were four seasons. Since living here, I’ve learned there are five. Fall, winter, spring, summer, and the North American Monsoon.

I also used to think summer started at the end of May. However, we’re already facing our first 90+ºF (32+ºC) day next week.

Soon we will become nocturnal desert dwellers, emerging at night or before dawn for our socially distant jogging. Eventually, it will be too hot even for this, and we will have to estivate.

Also, the University just announced its furlough plan on Friday, which will impact many of our People. This may have far reaching impacts, possibly extending even to our blog operations.

The Blog Board of Regents will have to weigh in.

Because of all this, your Song of the Day is “Summertime Sadness” by Lana del Rey.

Of course, the definitive version is the dance remix by Cedric Gervais:

MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day 16: My Cat Chooses My Makeup For Team Meeting

Let’s face it. I am bored. You are bored. We all are bored. We have been in social isolation now for over a month, and if you are like me, nice clothes, makeup, even jeans are a thing of normalcy past. Every day I have been hovering between pajamas and gym clothes.

One of the ways I have been spending my time in quarantine is watching too many YouTube videos. One of my favorite Youtubers is Jenna Marbles, who specializes in wacky crafts and activities that no one else would do because they are too much money and effort to justify the couple hours of fun you get out of them. For example in one of her videos she turns herself into a disco ball. (Although I really recommend her videos there is some swearing in them).

Some of my favorite videos she makes are about activities she comes up with to spend time with her dogs. I am currently quarantined alone with just my cat for company. Although Katniss was very happy to have me around for the first week of quarantine, the novelty of having me around all the time has worn off. Our daily routine invovles me attempting to work, and her sleeping on the couch next to me. For this blog post I am going to emulate Jenna Marbles video where she has her dogs choose her makeup for her. I thought it would be a nice change of pace to get out of gym clothes, and has the added bonus of being something I could do with my cat.

Part One: The Selection Process

I have to admit that Katniss was a good sport during the selection process. I had thought this was going to be another Easter Egg Hunt incident. What I did for most of the selection process was lay out my makeup on my coffee table, place Katniss in the middle of the makeup, and whichever one she goes to first was the product selected.

The first round was lipstick. Katniss started out strong with a bold choice of gold lipstick.

Next was highlighter. She chose a very nice shimmery champagne color.

Next was eyeshadow (yes, I know I have too much stop judging me). I decided that I would let her pick three colors. She chose Vanity, a dark purple color by Urban Decay, Venetian Red, a redish orange color by Anastasia Beverly Hills, and Fairy, a gold color also by Anastasia Beverly Hills. I was really excited for the gold color, because then I coud potentially make my gold lipstick work. The wildcard for these colors was the dark purple, because I typically don’t wear dark makeup.

Good choices

It was at this point that Katniss started losing interest and I had to bring out the treats. I decided for mascara I would put a treat in front of each choice and whichever she ate first I would choose. She was very nice to me, dodging the bright blue, bubblegum pink, and false lashes choices for standard black.

Last but not least, eyeliner. I decided I would do the opposite of mascara, and whichever treat she ate last was my choice. She decided to throw me another curveball with bubblegum pink. The other choices were black, blue, and gold.

Part Two: Putting on the Makeup

First step of my ‘getting ready’ is to PAINT MY FACE GREEN. Bet you all weren’t expecting that.

Next I put on foundation, powder, bronzer, blush, highlighter the boring stuff that doesn’t deserve details or photos. Next step is eyeshadow and eyeliner. I have been seeing a makeup trend where people use colored liquid eyeliner to outline the lids of their eyes, instead of putting the eyeliner near the lash line like usual. I decided to try that out because Katniss chose a pretty wild eyeliner color. After that I put on my crazy gold lipstick to finish the look.

The finished look. Thank you Katniss.

Part Three: Socially Distant

So now that I am all dolled up what I am going to do? I ultimately did end up wearing the makeup to team meeting. Did anyone care? Well not really. But it entertained me for a good half a day between picking the makeup with my cat, and putting it on so I count it a win.

Looking nice during team meeting.

I did get some reviews from my friends in the group.

“Are you in a music video?” -Joseph Long

“Is there a socially distant rave tonight?” -Logan Pearce

“Eurovision may be cancelled, but you’re letting it live on with that shiny makeup!” – Jennifer Lumbres

Well that was it. Thanks for getting this far reading my completely selfish and mediocre content.

Song of the day: Keep battling those quarantine demons everyone.

MagAO-X 2020A Stay At Home Day 15: House of Heat

Hi everyone! It’s been awhile since I’ve written a blog post but it makes me happy that the team thought to include me in their blogger recruits. I am going to do a take on Dr. Kelsey Miller’s “Views from the Apocalypse” but rather than a cute Dutch city, I’ll be reporting from the city you all love to hate…..Phoenix, Arizona!

Fry’s has come in clutch for our social distancing needs with their curbside food pickup. 

Here is a “cute” photo of us wiping down our groceries so they are safe to consume

Unfortunately, curbside pickup only goes so far and many common household items such a toilet paper, hand sanitizer, a paper towels are not available. For these we must brave the dangers of the outside world.

Maggie and Miguel to the rescue!

Though these are difficult and uncertain times, they also offer a unique opportunity to catch up with your old friends on Zoom, finish up projects that have been laying around, and laugh at weird things on the internet like this:


I hope you all are able to get outside and enjoy some of the natural beauty around you…six feet away from all of your friends. 🙂

First Water Trail – Superstition Wilderness

I’m happy to be sharing a song that has been getting me through the day: “Walk of Life” by Dire Straits.